Tag: Tara Taylor Quinn

The Side Effects of Being on a Book Tour & a Giveaway

Posted April 29, 2011 by Tracy in Reviews | 11 Comments

They say that you teach what you most need to learn. Now before you ask, I don’t know who ‘they’ are. I’ve just heard it said many times over the years. Today, I’m going with what ‘they’ say. And what I need to learn today is how to let go and have fun. My husband, Tim, and I are on tour, both physical and cyber, for our new book, It Happened On Maple Street. The book is our true love story. It’s also a domestic violence recovery story. We’re hoping to reach out to other woman living in the silence that held me hostage for so long – to spread freedom among them.
I’ve never been good at just doing things to do them. I have to have a reason for every thing I do. A purpose. A goal. Comes from my father. I got most of my real education, my loving and giving from my mother, but my father gave me some gold keys. And one of them was this goal and purpose thing. In his book I was allowed to do pretty much anything I wanted to do as long as there was a goal. A purpose. (Of course that goal or purpose had to meet with his approval when I was growing up.)
I’ve also done a lot of studying on goals and motivations. On internal drives and soul searching. On self honesty. I understand that every one of my actions is driven by an internal need. Hunger drives the need to eat. Cold drives the need for shelter. Fatigue drives the need for sleep. Loneliness drives the need to reach out. Children drive the need to mother. The voices in my head drive the need to write. And because I know and believe that everything is driven, I can’t seem to do anything without looking for what’s driving it. I’ve made some key mistakes in my life that brought about heartache beyond my worst imaginings. I cannot afford to make those kinds of mistakes again. I have to understand what drove them. And I have to watch what drives my future actions to make certain that I am not again driven where I do not want to go. I want to make certain that I know what I want and need and that I drive myself there.
Great in theory. Perfect in theory. And right now I need some R&R and I don’t know how to be aimless.
So here’s what I’d teach on the topic:
  1. Find little things that bring about a feeling of fun. Burning a candle all day long because I like the scent without worrying about wasting the candle. Or even paying attention to it burning away. Indulge in the decadence of some M&M’s during the day for once. Take a hot bath when you don’t need one, or when it’s not the end of the day and you have to relax before bed.
  2. Climb a tree. This one stands alone because there’s very little productive value in it. Climbing a tree used to have purpose, when you had to watch out or the enemy, or look for your cattle, or pick fruit. But in today’s world we use technology to protect ourselves against our enemies; I have no idea what they do with cattle but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t often involve climbing trees because I don’t ever hear of cowboys in trees; and we have long armed tools with cups on the end that pick fruit just fine. Which means that the only reason left to climb a tree is just to do it. Last year, while Tim was working in the garage on a one-man project, I climbed the tree at the side of our driveway. I went all the way to the top. I felt stupid. And I laughed out loud up there, too.
  3. Go with what feels good, not with what sounds good. Let your feeling choose your activity, not your mind. All of us still have the child once were inside of us. Let that child out. Let her play. No judgment. If she wants to sit on the ground and put her fingers in mud, then let her do it for a bit. (I wouldn’t make a daily habit of this, but then if it were a daily habit, it would become a goal with the purpose of letting your inner child out.)
  4. Lay on the ground with arms and legs spread, angel fashion, look at the sky, and wait. The idea is to free yourself from everything in your life that calls to you. You aren’t even holding your own weight. You’ve given it to the ground, to the earth. And the sky you’re gazing at has no limits.
  5. Make silly noises. (I’ve actually done this and it works. Of course, I have only my dogs as evidence of that fact.)
  6. Make of ‘to don’t’ list. For whatever time you’ve allotted for aimless fun, instead of a ‘to do’ list, make a ‘to don’t’ list. Put on it all of the things you can’t do because they have goal or purpose. The idea is to allow free thought to guide you to a more free place, to some space where you’ve turned everything over to the waiting room. It will all be there waiting when you get back from aimlessness.
  7. Tease the voices in your head. It’s harder for someone to discipline you if you’re teasing them. Teasing helps people lighten up. This works for the voices too. (At least in theory.)
  8. Turn the music up loud and dance. Make your whole body move in non-choreographed motion. Not only is this freeing, it engages your right brain enough that your left brain (the thinking part of your brain) has to take a back seat.
  9. Color. Either in a coloring book, or on a blank sheet of paper. The idea is simply to choose the colors. See the colors. Make the colors appear, not to create acceptable beauty. It can be a form of free expression.
  10. If all else fails, get a bottle of your favorite wine, pour a glass, and drink.
This post is brought to you as part of the It Happened On Maple Street International Blog Tour. For a complete tour schedule visit www.tarataylorquinn.com. All blog commenters are added to the weekly basket list. Gift Basket given each week to one randomly drawn name on the list.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, or if you suspect someone is, please contact www.thehotline.org, or call, toll free, 24/7, 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). The call can be anonymous and is always confidential. There is not one second of life that is worth wasting.
Next tour stop, Monday, May 2, Home Based Business Moms: http://homebasedbusinessmom.com/
To get your copy of It Happened On Maple Street, visit your favorite bookseller, or www.maplestreetbook.com.
Don’t miss The Chapman Files! Still available at: Amazon
It Happened On Maple Street is soon to be available on Kindle and Nook, too!
Tracy here:  I have 1 copy of It Happened on Maple Street to giveaway to one lucky commenter!  Comment on this post with your email address sometime between now and Friday, May 6 @7:00pm (pacific) to enter.  Good luck!

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Guest Author: Tara Taylor Quinn

Posted November 18, 2010 by Casee in Giveaways, Promotions | 13 Comments

Tara Taylor Quinn is here today as part of her Chapman File International Blog Tour. This is an amazing post written by an amazing author. I’m still at the beginning of this series and I can’t wait to finish it up.

First off, thank you to Casee, Holly, and Rowena for hosting a stop on The Chapman File International Blog Tour. I love this site! I’ve been all over it and I hope that those of you on tour with us will take the time to do the same. I have a feeling you’ll have a new site to bookmark and re-visit!

Blog Tour Note: We’re off this weekend, but we’ll be back on Monday for a very special stop in with Romantic Times Magazine!! And on Tuesday we’re with HCI books. Rest up for a big week!

I can’t hold out any longer. Expert witness psychologist Kelly Chapman has been nagging me for a week now to start talking about The Fourth Victim. (For those of you who don’t know, she’s my alter ego.) She wants this one done and over with. I can understand. The Fourth Victim isn’t just a book to her. It isn’t just another case. It’s her life. Her story. She’s worried sick people aren’t going to like her story. And then what does that say about her?

I keep telling her it means nothing about her. It only means I didn’t tell the story well. She’s not buying that one. At least not to my face. But while we’re here, on a site that is all about reviews, I figured I’d review my own book. The Fourth Victim. To begin with, it’s release date is a little confusing. Officially – according to the marketing report I have and the on-sale book cover flat – it’s due out December 1. Some people have it as being available November 31. I just saw that Amazon says it’s available now. And another on-line bookstore claims that it goes on sale November 23. I have nothing to do with the sale of the book. I’m just the author who wrote it.

Second, the book is…different. But then, so is Kelly. She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever known. She’s a woman I will never, ever forget. She gives me this story to write, and bless her heart, she thinks I can write it, but…come on. I’ve got a heroine, the star of the show, mind you, who’s been abducted. She could very likely be dead. And if she’s not, she’s probably going to die soon. The facts are the facts. I can’t bring her back to life. And I can’t have her survive something that’s humanly impossible to survive. I’ve only got so much to work with here.

And then there’s the hero, the FBI special agent who’s been assigned to find her, who’s never met her. He’s supposed to grow fond of a woman he’s never met. The job I’ve been given is to find a way to convince the reader that this modern day, hard assed guy is really falling for a picture.

I did my best. That’s what I can tell you. And that’s just the beginning of the story. Then you have to figure in the point of view choices. Those weren’t normal, either. I don’t know why I made them. I just did. They told me to. Kelly and Clay and the points of view – they demanded their way. So this book is a mixture of first and third point of view. Actually, all four of The Chapman Files are a mixture of first/third, but in The Fourth Victim, we aren’t just talking a few scenes in first person. Half the book is one, half the book is the other. It worked for Kelly and Clay. I think it worked for me, too.

Beyond that, I think the book is really good. Kelly’s story is unique and suspenseful and deeply emotional, too. Her story fits this blog because Kelly is one thing through and through and that’s honest. She’s self-honest to the point that Clay sometimes finds the result hard to watch. And even harder to avoid. He doesn’t want any of that introspective honesty crap in his life.

So I give this book a five out of five because I have to. It’s my book and I really think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written. But I give a lot of the credit to Kelly. She drove me for two long years as I wrote this series. She’s given me the ride of my life. And I hope this is just the beginning of our journey.

By the way, professional reviews have been coming in on The Fourth Victim as well. So far, the professionals think even more highly of the book than I do. Thank goodness.

This post is brought to you as part of The Chapman Files International Blog Tour. Please join us in our fight against domestic abuse. We’re hosting a charity skate/walkathon on December 4th in Phoenix, Arizona. If you can join us, we’d love to have you. Tim and ttq are skating and we’re going to have a blast. If you aren’t going to be in the area, you can still sponsor us. Please. In our downed economy domestic abuse has risen and the monies to help have dwindled. To register for the skate, or to donate any amount to the cause, click here or go to http://www.tarataylorquinn.com/ and click donate.

There’s an item from our new book, The Third Secret, hidden on the tour with us. Guess the item to enter the drawing to win it! Today’s clue: If you shot them they’d break. Send all guesses to staff@tarataylorquinn.com. To see previous clues visit blog sites listed at http://www.tarataylorquinn.com/. Guess as many times as you’d like!

Don’t miss The Chapman File tour party on December 4th at http://www.eharlequin.com/! We’re giving away a KOBO e-reader and many other cool prizes! All you have to do to be entered to win is leave comments on the tour!
E-books of all of The Chapman File Stories are available at amzn.to/bmJzp4.

Next tour stop: Monday, November 22, 2010. Romantic Times Magazine! We hope to see you back here! The more blogs you visit with us, the more chances you have to win! Every time you comment your name is dropped in the bag for the prize drawings.
For weekly blog tour dates, visit http://www.tarataylorquinn.com/. Or to have the weekly schedule sent directly to your email, send request to staff@tarataylorquinn.com.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of The Fourth Victim! Ends 11/25 @ 11:59pm.

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