Posted July 20, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 16 Comments
Hello there! Are you completely shocked that I’m actually getting this post done on Sunday? Me too! lol I have time today, which is amazing and wonderful.
I’ve discovered that I live in hell. No, really. It’s pretty here but the heat is killing me! 🙂 You guessed it, it’s been really hot here this past week. Summer has finally hit us. It went from about 101 (f) on Monday to a whopping 110 today. Remind me why I live here again?
We’re going on vacation and we’re going to go see my sister who lives in Kansas City, MO. The girls, my parents, my niece & I will leave Friday evening and I’ll be gone a week so I’ll be busy this week trying to get things ready. I’m trying to load as many books as I can on my ereader so that I won’t have to take too many print books with me but I’m sure I’ll take some. Besides seeing my sister I hope to have time to meet up with
Sarai – fellow blogger, book lover and DIK Lady – who lives in KC, MO. Hopefully we can find time to at least meet since I’ll be so close.
So what did I read this week?

First off I started with yet another Yaoi Manga that I was sent by
Tam. In case you’re wondering
Kris has been holding the
Great Yaoi Swap (or pass the parcel) and that’s why I’m getting all the goodies. It’s pretty darned cool actually. I get pressies from far off places and then ship them off to far off places. It’s like I’m living vicariously through my mail. 🙂 Anyway, this one was called
But I’m Your Teacher by Yoshino Somei. I didn’t care for this one as much as the first. This one was much more graphic than the first one I read but that wasn’t the issue. It was just the artist had a lot of drool and fluids leaking about – mouths and *ahem* other places I wouldn’t imagine I’d like to see fluid and that was just well, weird. Also, the stories just didn’t cut it for me. A couple were cute while a couple others were just disturbing. Not my cuppa but not horrid.
3 out of 5

Next I read What Happens In London by
Julia Quinn. *sigh* such a good book. My thoughts

After that I moved on to the latest installment in the Betsy the Vampire series by
Mary Janice Davidson called Undead and Unwelcome. These books are not very long at all and unfortunately I found myself skimming a lot at the beginning of the book because I was bored. This story took off right where the other left off. Betsy is taking Antonia (the werewolf) back to her pack to be buried and things are uncomfortable to say the least. The Vamps and the Weres aren’t really getting on all that great. Then Betsy’s sister Laura starts losing her mind and if you’ve been reading the books you’ll know that that is
not something that we want happening! The story definitely got better as it went on which was great. I just wish the books were longer! lol
3.5 out of 5
After that I started on a book that Lori re-read for her Re-read Challenge and I ended up borrowing becuase it sounded good. She was right, it was. It was called Sweetheart, Indiana by Suzanne Simmons and follows the story of Gillian Charles who is an heiress but it was instructed in her grandfather’s will that she must live for 6 months in Sweetheart in order to inherit her money after he dies. She’s not thrilled, but she does it. She ends up finding love, friendship and a whole lot more when she gets there. Good read! 4 out of 5

Next I read a novella called Surrender Dorothy by
R.G. Alexander. A story about Dorothy – a witch who is trying to stay away from her new neighbor who is a wizard. She’s never actually met a wizard but she’s heard nothing but bad things about them. When she gets transported to Oz things really start moving. Sounds corny but it’s actually a very cute little story.
4 out of 5
Mistress of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle was next on the list. This is the first book in the School of Gallantry series. There are supposed to be 5 books and I’m going to assume they cover the stories of the first 5 members of the School. This story revolved around Maybelle who is the granddaughter of a coutesan who is the owner of the school. Maybelle is fiercely independent but her grandmother talks her into staying in London with her for a while. Maybelle is determined to rid herself of her virginity and decides on a particular man. He ends up being a duke. The duke’s mother wants to marry him off but there is much scandal revolving around him and he wants a titled unsullied woman to be his bride. Things change for him and Maybelle immensely during the book. I enjoyed the book a lot but found that some parts of it were too unbelievable – even while suspending it (if that makes sense). Ms. Marvelle certainly knows how to write great sex scenes – they were smokin. I will definitley read the next book as I want to know more about the first participants in the school. 3.75 out of 5

And last on my list for the week was Highland Obsession by
Dawn Halliday which releases on August 4th and was a book I read for The Book Binge. I’ll let you known when the review posts – as usual. 🙂
Happy Reading!
Tagged: Dawn Halliday, Delilah Marvelle, Julia Quinn, Mary Janice Davidson, R.G. Alexander, Suzanne Simmons, What I Read Last Week, What I've Been Reading This Week, Yoshino Somei