Tag: Shirley Damsgaard

TBR Challenge: Witch Way To Murder

Posted September 17, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 4 Comments

TITLE: Witch Way To Murder
AUTHOR: Shirley Damsgaard
SERIES: Yes this is the first book in the Ophelia and Abby Mysteries

This author will be attending RAW and in my insane quest to read at least 1 book by each author her number came up. J

SUMMARY: (from Goodreads)
Thirty-something Ophelia Jensen wants to live a quiet life as a small town librarian. She’s created a comfortable existence with her kooky, colorful grandmother Abby, and if it were up to her, they could live out their days––along with Ophelia’s dog Lady and cat Queenie––in peace and quiet. But, to Ophelia’s dismay, she and Abby aren’t a typical grandmother/granddaughter duo. She possesses psychic powers, and Abby is a kindly witch. And while Ophelia would do anything to dismiss her gift––harboring terrible guilt after her best friend was killed and she was unable to stop it––threatening events keep popping up, forcing her to tap into her powers of intuition. To make matters worse, a strange––yet devastatingly attractive––man is hanging around Ophelia’s library, and no matter how many times she tells him she’s sworn off men forever, he persists. Soon this handsome newcomer reveals he’s following a lead on a local drug ring, and then a dead body shows up right in Abby’s backyard. And much as Ophelia would like to put away her spells forever, she and Abby must use their special powers to keep themselves, and others, out of harm’s way.

Ophelia is a librarian in a small town in Iowa. She’s pretty much shut herself off from everyone except her grandmother because of an event that happened 4 years prior and made her question her sanity.

Enter Rick Davis who comes to town saying he’s a chemical salesman but is asking a ton of questions of everyone, including Ophelia. Ophelia doesn’t trust Rick and although she thinks he’s incredibly handsome she pretty much knows from the start that Rick is not who or what he says he is. Despite that fact she finds herself semi-attracted to him in a strange way.

Unfortunately a murder happens in town and as much as Ophelia tries to stay out of everything she, her library assistant Darci and Rick kind of get swept into it. Ophelia finds herself doing things she’s never done before and making friends that she’s long denied herself in the process.

As much as this book was a mystery it was almost a self discovery for Ophelia. She found out that keeping people from you isn’t good for your soul. She made a few friends and accepted the fact that she has these psychic powers that she needs to learn to control. I liked Ophelia, as crochety as she was at first she really became a person I would love to have as a friend. (during the first scene in the book she was wearing a t-shirt that said: Tact is for people not witty enough to use sarcasm. I love that!)

I very much enjoyed the book and will eventually look into reading the other 4 books that are currently out in the series. Ms. Damsgaard 6th book in the series The Witch’s Grave is set to release December 28, 2008

Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again?
She was new to me but I would definitely read her again…Because although Rick and Ophelia weren’t right for each other in the romance department I’m looking forward to seeing if there are any further love interests in the other books. I’m such a die hard romantic!

Are you keeping it or passing it on?
I’ll pass it on

Did you enjoy the book? Yes

Would you recommend this book to others? Yes

Score: 3 out of 5

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What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted September 14, 2008 by Tracy in Features | 15 Comments

Hey everyone!

How was your week? How are things going for you? Good I hope!

I had a pretty normal week. Every day life doing every day things – just like I like it! 🙂

RAW starts on Friday! I’m so very excitied! I’ll be flying out to West Virginia on Thurday since it will take all stinkin day to get there but I’ll have lots of reading time. My friend Jen will be going with me and since she’s always got her nose stuck in a book as well I’ll be in great company! I’ll fly back in on Sunday.

I almost fulfilled my goal of reading at least 1 book by every RAW author. I read all but 2 authors. I bought 1 ebook this weekend and the stinker wouldn’t download for some reason (to Adobe Digital Editions – yuk). I sent an email to the book site and hopefully it will get cleared up…but who knows. The other author I attempted to read and couldn’t get past the first 40 pages. Oh well! I gave it the old college try!

One of my sister’s flew in from Kansas City, MO on Friday and a bunch of the family went and saw Wicked the musical. OMG it was so incredibly good! I had no idea it was a comedy too and that made it even better. If you ever have the chance to go – doooo eeet!

Ok – reading this week:

Promises Linger by Sarah McCarty. I have had this ebook for a while and finally got to it. I really liked it a lot. I thought Asa was just wonderful and Elizabeth for all her prior prudish ways turned out to be quite great in the end.
Dark Embrace by Brenda Joyce – see review in previous post.

Witch Way to Murder by Shirley Damsgaard (RAW author). I read this one because she’s a RAW author and I I needed to read it for the TBR Challenge and I liked it. Check the blog out on Wed. of this week for my TBR Challenge Review.

Heiress for Hire by Erin McCarthy (RAW author). I think it was Sayuri60 that recommended this book to me and I really liked it. I don’t have any problems with children in books, as I’ve discussed prior and this one just got to me. The child in this book was abused emotionally and that just killed me but the whole book was filled with love and lots of laughter. If you want a light, fast read and don’t mind kids in books I’d recommend it.

Promises Keep by Sarah McCarty was almost as good as the first in this series. I didn’t like it quite as much as Promises Linger but was still a great read.

The Trouble With Moonlight by Donna MacMeans (RAW author) was pretty good. It was a historical about a spy for the crown, James Locke, and Lusinda Havershaw who is a rare being in that she can soak up moonlight and become invisible. Yes, in case you’re wondering they did have invisible sex. Just a tad strange IMO. lol The book started off slow but it was a pretty good story. There were some inconsistencies in the book that bothered me but I’d still give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

Happy Reading!

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