One of the things that I love most about romance is that there is something out there for everyone. You like cute and cuddly contemporary romances? There are numerous authors out there for you to try. You like virginal heroines in historical settings? Got a dozen authors you can choose from. Angst ridden vampires more to your liking? Try this, this and that author. Really, there are plenty of authors out there who have written what you’re craving and all you have to do is search them out.
Just like the different genres in romance, there are romances taking place all over the world. From the historical ballrooms of Regency England to the wild wild western frontier’s of America to the beautiful islands in Greece. Love knows no bound. People fall in love, all over the globe and there are stories out there taking place all over the globe. I was talking to my friend the other day and we started talking about the settings of our romance novels.
What settings are popular amongst romance readers? Can the setting in a novel be the kiss of death like some covers can be? Does the setting of the romance really matter as long as there is that happy ending?
I’m not sure.
You see, prior to this discussion, I didn’t pay much attention to the setting in romance novels but I remembered back a few years ago when Holly suggested that I read Heart of Fire by Linda Howard. When she approached me about reading this book, I made a note and then checked the book out online.
Here’s the blurb for the book:
A fabulous lost Amazon city once inhabited by women warriors and containing a rare red diamond: it sounded like myth, but archeologist Jillian Sherwood believed it was real, and she was willing to put up with anything to find it — even Ben Lewis. Ruffian, knock-about, and number one river guide in Brazil, Ben was all man — over six feet of rock-hard muscles that rippled under his khakis, with lazy blue eyes that taunted her from his tanned face. Jillian watched him come to a fast boil when she refused to reveal their exact destination upriver in the uncharted rain forests — and resolved to stand her ground. Neither of them could foresee what the days ahead promised: an odyssey into the fiery heart of passion and betrayal, and a danger that would force them to cast their fates together, immersed in the eternal, unsolved mysteries of love….
I remember reading that blurb and thinking, “The jungles of South America? Meh.” I almost crossed this book off my list because I didn’t think I would enjoy a book that was set in the jungle. It’s not a very romantic place to fall in love, or so I thought. Holly, being the persistent book pusher that she is, forced me to read the book.
So I did and I loved it.
I loved everything about this book. The setting, the romance between Ben and Jillian and hell, I fell hard for the pervy hero of the book, Ben Lewis. I’m sure you all remember the post I did on Ben Lewis (and my love for him) that Holly resurrected and brought back to life here on Book Binge. Heart of Fire ended up being one of the best books that I’ve ever read. It’s still in my Top Ten of favorite books I’ve ever read in my life. That’s how much I love this book and I’m so glad that Holly made me read this book because at first, I hesitated.
I find myself wanting to read another book set in the wild jungles of South America or wherever just as long as I get some good jungle lovin’ (doesn’t have to be jungle fever, just some jungle lovin’) but I can’t seem to find any anywhere. Does anyone have any titles that I can put on my TBB List?
While I have you here, let me ask you this: Would you read a book set in the jungle? A romance where the hero and heroine are on a safari through the wild jungles and fall in love or would you like me, hesitate to read something like that? Curious minds want to know.
Also I must ask the questions from before, What settings are popular amongst romance readers? Can the setting in a novel be the kiss of death like some covers can be? Does the setting of the romance really matter as long as there is that happy ending? What settings have you not seen enough of and would like to read about?
Yes, this is 20 questions. =P