Hello my fellow book lovers!
How the heck are ya? I’m doing well. There’s not anything to report here so I’ll get right to the books.
Actually I started the week reading a bunch of yaoi manga:
Reversible by various artists 2 out of 5
Love Mode by Yuki Shimizu 3 out of 5
Ka*Shin*Fu by Makoto Tateno 2 out of 5
Golden Prince and Argent King by Kouko Agawa 3 out of 5
Little Butterfly – Omnibus – by Hinako Takanaga 4 out of 5

First up was Wicked Surrender by
Jade Lee. This was the story of the daughter of an actress who now ran a theatre. She wants nothing more than to be found respectable so when the 4th son of an Earl proposes she accepts. The problem is that she’s not accepted by his set at all and things aren’t exactly the way she expected them to be. There’s also the problem of her having feelings for her fiance’s cousin and him constantly asking her to be his mistress. I had some issues with the heroine of this book…and the hero at times as well but liked it for the most part. I found out an interesting twist when I read the blurb for the next book in the series so I’ll definitely be reading that one to find out what happens. This one I read for
The Book Binge.
3.5 out of 5

Next was All I Ever Wanted by
Kristan Higgins. Ok, Higgins makes me laugh. I really love her sense of humor. The story was about a woman who had been in love with a guy for years. He was now her boss and at one point had had a 5 week relationship that she thought was going somewhere. Turned out it wasn’t quite great “timing” for her boss though. Yeah, right. Anyway, so she’s decided to branch out in the dating scene and starts – eventually, in a round about kind of way, to date the new town vet. That’s not before she goes on a couple of dates with men that’s she’s met on an online dating service (those were damned funny). It’s a crazy time in her life and very emotional at times but it works. This book was funny, heart-breaking, sad and fun all rolled into one. There were points in the book when I found it too descriptive, or the heroine would go off on a tangent in her mind and those were a bit frustrating but overall I really liked it.
4 out of 5

I read Her Laird, Her Lover by
Sable Grey for
The Book Binge. This short story was about a woman who had been sent back into medieval times 3 years prior. Her and her “mother”, the woman who had taken her in, ran cons to make money. One such con was run on a local Laird only her secret is discovered and eventually love blooms. I really liked this story. Grey managed to pack a lot of good stuff into 40 some pages.
4 out of 5

After that was Holiday Outing by
Astrid Amara. I’m not sure why I’m reading Hanakkuh stories in September but whatever. lol It was good! Jonah is going home to visit his parents for Hanakkuh and he’s not thrilled about it. He’s gay and a gay fiction writer but his parents know neither of these facts. They think that he lives in Seattle and isn’t very successful. Ethan, Jonah’s old neighbor – the guy Jonah had the hots for while growing up – and the guy who outed him and got him beat up and shoved in lockers in high school, picks Jonah up from the airport and starts flirting with him. Huh? The story is of Ethan and Jonah’s relationship as well as the search for a family heirloom that disappears during a blizzard and subsequent blackout. This was a wonderful story! I loved the mystery involved with all of Jonah’s relatives as well as the budding relationship with Ethan and Jonah. I definitely recommend this one.
4.5 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR challenge read for the week was Warsworn by
Elizabeth Vaughan. I read Warprize a while back and loved it. Why it took me so long to read book 2 is beyond me. This book followed Lara and Keir in their journey to the Plains. The story was mostly about the Plague and how it hits their camp but also about Lara and Keir finding a better understanding and deeper love with each other. I laughed in this one, I cried (a lot, which I never do) and I loved it. Great book
4.5 out of 5
I had to immediately read Warlord by
Elizabeth Vaughan after finishing Warsworn. I didn’t want to wait so I picked it up and devoured it. It was just as good as books 1 and 2 and I loved it as well. This had Lara and Keir in the Plains and the many obstacles they had to face in order to be together. They had to face many dissenters and it certainly wasn’t easy. I really like Vaughan’s writing and yes, found myself crying at the end of this one as well. How does she do that? lol
4.5 out of 5
Next up was The Promise by
Brenda Joyce. This is book 13 in the de Warrene dynasty series and it comes out on the 28th. I don’t want to say anything about my thoughts since I’ll be reviewing it this week. This was Elysse O’Neill and Alexi de Warrene’s story.
I read Whenever We Meet by
Cerise DeLand for
The Book Binge (yes, I’m trying to catch up!). The story of a woman who is recovering from the death or her husband – even though they didn’t have a great marriage. She goes to Mexico to design a hotel and falls in love with her client. He wants her but is willing to wait until she’s comfortable with him. He does have one requirement though – she has to kiss him hello whenever she enters a room that he’s in and kiss him goodbye when she leaves. Interesting concept – I liked the first part of the book since I love kissing scenes but the end didn’t really do it for me. (EC covers are not leaving much to the imagination these days are they?!)
3 out of 5

Next was another book for
The Book Binge called Trouble in a Stetson by
Regina Carlysle. Lola and 2 of her friends leave Vegas for a grand adventure. Lola was a showgirl (*sings* her name was Lola, she was a showgirl…nevermind) and got canned because she was too old – she’s 30! Right after that her fiance breaks it off with her and Lola and her friends have had enough of Vegas. Lola and her friends make it to Mesa Blanco, Texas when their car breaks down. They have no money and end up staying to get the car fixed and get some money to get on their way. Lola meets the town sheriff though and they start a relationship. Lola was done with men but Sam just calls to her and Sam was hurt by a previous relationship/marriage and doesn’t want to get involved other than sex. Yeah, that doesn’t work out for either one of them. lol This was a very cute book. I’ve liked what I’ve read of Carlysle’s in the past and this one didn’t disappoint.
4 out of 5
Happy Reading!