Tag: Rowena Says

Best of 2012: The Authors.

Best of 2012: The Authors.

Last week over at my other book blog Book Binge, we’re listing our Best of Lists all week and I’m going to be doing the same thing for my YA books here. Tammara Webber: I think Easy is my most favorite book of the entire year.  It was such a great book and Tammara Webber […]

Best of 2012: The Books.

Best of 2012: The Books.

Photo source Rowena: I’ve read a whole lot of books this year and I read a lot of great, fantabulous books and a lot of so-so books and a whole lot of not so good books.  A lot of new to me authors, some tried and true authors that I always love and some authors […]

Best of 2012: The Heroines.

Best of 2012: The Heroines.

The heroines. Rowena: I’m hard on the heroines in my favorite books.  They have to be pretty amazing for me to love them so this category isn’t too hard for me since if I love a heroine, I remember. My favorite heroines of 2012 are: Minerva Highwood from A Week to be Wicked by Tessa […]

Best of 2012: The Heroes.

Best of 2012: The Heroes.

The heroes. Rowena: This is probably the hardest category for me to list each year because I’m such a hoochie that I like all of the heroes.  But because Holly will probably yell at me if I don’t finish this, here’s my list of most hunkalicious heroes of 2012. Lucas Hunter from Slave to Sensation […]

Best of 2011: The Series.

Best of 2011: The Series.

Holly: I often complain about the number of series books currently on the market, but I’m a total hypocrite. I always want to read more about the characters I love. I just can’t be pleased, apparently. Series I fell in love with – or continue to love – in 2011: 1. Thea Harrison’s Elder Races […]