1. Because Chelsea is full of awesome. Chelsea is one of those young protagonists that is bright and witty and you want as your best friend. Her thought processes will keep you laughing throughout the book and you’ll be rooting for her to get hers in the end. She’s not perfect and to me, that’s what made her so awesome. Watching her bumble her way along didn’t frustrate me as much as the other protags in other books because I was too busy laughing with Chelsea to hate on her. She’s so much fun. She’s also one of those protagonists that you know exactly why the boys liked her in the book, she won’t leave you wondering what’s wrong with Edward Cullen because you can’t see any kind of appeal with Bella Swan. Chelsea is no Bella Swan.
2. Because you’ll see re-enactment camps in a totally different light. Never before have I cared one way or another about reenactment camps. I’ve never been to one, I’ve never cared to go to one but all of that has changed now that I’ve read this book. I’m kind of annoyed with my parents for never taking me to one so that I can appreciate history the way that these kids did. I would have loved to point and laugh at these kids, just kidding.
3. Because there’s a cute love interest that you won’t be able to help yourself from crushing on. The love interest in this book is too cute for words. I had me a big ol’ crush on him while I was reading this book and considering our age difference, that’s kind of gross. Not that it stopped me from wanting a Dan all for my teenage self. Which brings me back to being annoyed with my parents since they never took me to a reenactment camp before so I missed my chance with my own teenage Dan. *sigh*
4. Because Chelsea’s best friend Fiona is full of awesome. Fiona is the best friend that all girls need. When your best friend gets dumped and is down in the dumps, you need someone like Fiona to smack yourself back to reality but not before she gave you a time limit for grieving over what was. I loved that she got tired of Chelsea still lusting after Ezra and I loved that even when Chelsea was being a butthead, you knew that Fiona would take her back and give her an earful that she deserved. Fiona’s own little secondary love story was cute too.
5. Because you’ll get the inside scoop on re-enactment wars! I think this is one of my favorite things about this book. To see how intense the wars between the Colonials and the Civil War camps got was too freaking funny. They take POW’s, they mess with their camps by hiding cell phones to unauthenticate (is that a word? I don’t think so since there’s a red line under that word but meh, you know what I mean) their camp. Oh and to see how pissed off they make each other, oh man you would think it’s the bloods and crips going to war instead of a bunch of high school kids at camp.
This book came out yesterday and I enjoyed it so much. Run out and get yourself a copy, you won’t be sorry! This book will have you laughing and girls, there’s a romance in here that will have you sighing so really, you need to read this book! You can read my review of this book here.
..and that’s your scoop!
Book cover and blurb credit: http://barnesandnoble.com