Tag: Richard Labonte

What I Read Last Week

Posted March 14, 2011 by Tracy in Features | 5 Comments

Good Morning!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great week last week.
There were some horrible events that happened in the world last week. Japan and all of the tragedies there just hurt my heart.  Also, fellow blogger, Fatin, whose husband was killed this past week which is just so wrong. I will be keeping Japan and Fatin and her 4 children in my thoughts and prayers.
So what did I read this week?
I started off the week with the upcoming new release by Kristan Higgins called My One and Only. It was the story of a woman who meets her ex-husband after 12 years and finally admits to herself that she never stopped loving him. You can read my review here. 4 out of 5
One of my Tracy’s TBR Challenge reads for the week (yes, there was more than 1!) was The Perfect Waltz by Anne Gracie. This was the story of Sebastian who decides that he needs to take a wife and he has a specific type of woman in mind that can help him take care of his two young sisters. When his man finds a woman in London that fits the bill he heads off to court her. While there, however, he sees and eventually meets Hope Merridew and though he knows he should have nothing to do with her he can’t help the feelings that she stirs in him. It was a charming story and I loved seeing Sebastian and his sisters breaking free from their shells. A lovely romance. 4 out of 5
Next up was a book for The Book Binge called The Bottom Line by Shelley Munro. This was about Maggie who had picked up an erotic novel by mistake but was now completely obsesses with the thought of being spanked after having read about it in the book. She starts a friends with benefits relationship with one of her male friends but she’s not sure how to ask him to spank her. For Connor he started the FwB because he wants to be with Maggie for good and this was how he thought he could get his foot in the door. It was cute but I had some issues with it. I’ll let you know when my review posts so you’ll be able to read more of my thoughts. 3 out of 5
Another Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was Captive Heart by Anne Kane. This was a short about a dragon shifter who finds his mate but his mate had been bound to an evil dragon shifter not that long ago and wanted nothing to do with dragons. I had some issues with the story. First Haydn was determined to bring Cassie over to his way of thinking – which he did…in 1 night. Not even 24 hours but A night – too fast for me. Maybe if she had just accepted the mate thing they hadn’t pulled out the “I love you’s” it might have been ok – but probably not. Then Cassie was a big woman, which I have no problem with except when it’s said over and over and over. We know, thank you. It was stated so many times I was starting to think of the woman as Big Mama. lol Not good. 2 out of 5
Next was another Book Binge read called A Duke’s Desire by Liz Cole. This was a historical short but it was more sex than story. And the man in the story was incredibly raunchy. Just not my thing. I’ll let you know when my review posts. 2 out of 5
Yet another Tracy’s TBR Challenge read was Country Boys: Wild Gay Erotica edited by Richard Labonté and oh my lordy was it good. I really liked all of the stories except 2 of them and even though were alright – just not my kind of stories. If you want to read some great man-loving about some country boys this is a great book to pick up. 4.5 out of 5
After that was a novella called A Lady’s Wish by Katharine Ashe. This is a lovely story about a couple who met one day at a fair but through different events never met again…until 9 years later. It’s a story that falls between books 1 and 2 of Ashe’s historical series Rogues of the Sea. I didn’t read book 1 but you don’t need to in order to read this one – total standalone. You can read my mini review here. 4.5 out of 5
And last on the list was my read for the monthly TBR Challenge After the Kiss by Suzanne Enoch. My review for this one will post on Wednesday so keep your eyes peeled. lol
My Book Binge reviews that posted this past week:
Happy Reading!

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