Tag: Reviews

Review: An Inquiry into Love and Death by Simone St. James

Review: An Inquiry into Love and Death by Simone St. James

I’m slowly making my way through Simone St. James’ backlist. An Inquiry Into Love and Death follows Jillian as she travels to a small seaside town to deal with her uncle Toby’s belongings after he dies unexpectedly. Uncle Toby and her parents had a falling out, and they’re out of the country, so Oxford student […]

Review: Warrior Fae Princess by K.F. Breene

Review: Warrior Fae Princess by K.F. Breene

Warrior Fae Princess by K.F. Breene is the second book in the Warrior Fae series, which is set in the DDVN (Demon Days, Vampire Nights) world. This book picks up right were Warrior Fae Trapped left off. While I don’t think it’s necessary to read the entire DDVN series before reading this book, I do […]

Guest Review: Under Currents by Nora Roberts

Guest Review: Under Currents by Nora Roberts

This is a difficult review to write.  Not only because of the subject matter, but because I don’t want to add spoilers into it. You’d think that the Bigelow family was perfect.  They had a big beautiful house, lots of money, the father is a doctor and the mother doesn’t even have to work!  The […]

Guest Review: When the Marquess was Mine by Caroline Linden

Guest Review: When the Marquess was Mine by Caroline Linden

Georgiana Lucas is visiting her friend Kitty and her family when they receive a message from Kitty’s husband.  It just says that by no means are they to let the Marquess of Westmorland into the house.  The family has no idea what’s going on as Kitty’s husband is non-specific as to why.  When Georgiana is […]

Review: Smitten by the Brit by Melonie Johnson

Review: Smitten by the Brit by Melonie Johnson

I didn’t love the first book in this series, but I was very interested in finding out more about Bonnie and Theo, whom we met in Getting Hot with the Scot. I really liked the chemistry between them, but overall I found the romance lacking. There wasn’t the emotional pull I expected after their scenes […]