Tag: Reviews

Review: The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter

Review: The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter

Cameo has longed for happiness, but knew it was out of her reach. She doesn’t remember details of her short time with Lazarus, but she knows it was special. Cameo is the keeper of the demon Misery and her demon doesn’t let her have a moment of happiness. Once she feels even a second of […]

Guest Review: Maybe This Summer by Jennifer Snow

Guest Review: Maybe This Summer by Jennifer Snow

Owen McConnell is an ex-hockey player who had left playing with the Colorado Avalanche to join the Marines.  He had lived through an injury by a landmine but that meant he couldn’t play hockey ever again.  He was now the team’s mascot (not that anyone but the players knew that) as well as the Colorado […]

Retro Review: True Love and Other Disasters by Rachel Gibson.

Retro Review: True Love and Other Disasters by Rachel Gibson.

*****As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again. Holly: Oh man, did we all love Rachel Gibson back in the day. I have several of her more recent releases in my TBR pile, but for some reason I haven’t read […]

Guest Review: Spellbinder by Thea Harrison

Guest Review: Spellbinder by Thea Harrison

*Spoiler alert: I can’t talk about this book without giving a little spoiler for some of Harrison’s earlier books, but the cover copy of this book gives the spoiler too so…just fair warning. Morgan Le Fae is the hero of this book, which might stun those of you who read the other books where he’s […]

Guest Review: Trust by Kylie Scott

Guest Review: Trust by Kylie Scott

Edie is spending the night at her friend Georgia’s house and having a movie night during summer break. They’re in the middle of a Harry Potter marathon but end up driving across town at midnight to fill up on snacks.  Edie is dressed in pajamas but less revealing PJ’s than her friend so she heads […]