Recently, Nick and Neyreda posted a list of characters that they hated on their blog and I was nodding along to most of the people on Nick’s list. That post got me thinking. There are quite a few characters that I could think of wanting to punch in the throat so I thought, write it up and post it on the blog. Your comment would be too long.
Thanks to Nick and Neyreda for the inspiration.
Here’s my list:

Ming LeBon from the Psy/Changelings Series by Nalini Singh: This is a freaking no brainer. At every turn, it seemed like he was making more and more enemies and I was included in that lot. I wanted someone to shoot him dead so many different times because he was a grade A asshole! The crap that he put Sienna through, the shit that he thought he could get away with where the Arrows were concerned? That shit he tried to pull with Vasic??? Yeah, that motherfucker needed to die a slow and agonizing death. Mostly, he just needed to die.
Santano Enrique from Caressed by Ice and Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh: Ugh, talk about evil. Every time I think about the evil he inflicted on Brenna and those other girls and then on Kaleb? Ugh, I want to kill to die all over again. What a freaking psychotic jerkhole!
The guy that dicked Audrey over from BCG in Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen: I don’t even remember his name but the guy that sent Audrey out to finagle some produce off the farmers while trying to stiff them and Audrey at the same time. He was such a punk. He knew he was sending Audrey to do the impossible and he did it anyway. He was only worried about his bottom line and to hell with the farmers and poor Audrey who had to sit there and get laughed out of every farm in Vermont. Ugh.
Brooke from Paper Princess by Erin Watt: This woman needed to get all of her hair pulled out, one strand at a time and then she needed someone to slap her into next Tuesday. This gold digging, no morals having plus what in the hell was she doing with Reed in the first place? She’s an ol’ nasty thang that needs a come to Jesus talk. My hate game is strong for this one.
Charlie from Out of the Shallows by Samantha Young: I absolutely loved all of the drama in Into the Deep and was so looking forward to seeing where Charlie and Jake landed in Out of the Shallows but holy cow, I wanted to pull Charlie’s hair in every part of Out of the Shallows. I couldn’t stand seeing her having no backbone, her reasons for why her and Jake couldn’t be together made me want to punch her in the face and the way that she freaking used Lowe like he was a piece of man-meat pissed me off too. I wish I hadn’t read this book. I wish I had stuck with all of the love I had for these characters in Into the Deep.

Madison Carrington from I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne: Maddie got on my hot damn nerves in I Wish You Were Mine. The entitlement she felt, the way that she treated Mollie and hell, even the way that she treated Jackson made me want to punch her in the throat. She was just a nasty person all over and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how anyone, let alone Jackson freaking Burke could love her.
Rush Finlay from Fallen too Far by Abbi Glines: Ugh, this guy. I couldn’t stand this guy. He was supposed to be this rich, bad boy who fell in love with a girl he thought was a fraud and while it could have been one of those guilty pleasure type of books, I just could not freaking stand Rush. The way that he treated Blaire when she first shows up with nowhere else to go? Ugh. The way that he continued to treat her like trash even after he knew that she wasn’t what he once thought? Ugh. The way that he kept her in a freaking slave room at the bottom of the stairs like she was worth absolutely nothing? Freaking ugh. If he would have brought her out of the room under the stairs a whole lot sooner than he did, maybe things would have changed for me but he didn’t. He kept her there to degrade her, to make her feel like she was nothing to him even when she started to become someone really important to him and her dumbass let him. I got that she didn’t have anywhere else to go but the way that she let him continue mess with her head, her emotions and just everything pissed me off. Yeah, I hate this guy.
Charles & Jason Fielding from Once & Always by Judith McNaught: Charles and Jason did a lot of manipulating over the course of this book and while I let it slide back when I first read this book, after reading it a couple of months ago for my book club, I couldn’t let a lot of the stuff they did go. I couldn’t stand the way that they manipulated Tory. They played with her emotions (freaking Charles), they emotionally abused her (I’m looking at you, Jason) and even though Charles had good intentions, he still messed with a lot of lives and changed the course of so much that I spent a lot of time pissed off at the both of them. Jason, I was furious with when he went to London. I know you guys know what scene I’m talking about. Also, all of the forced seduction, the humiliation that Tory suffered at Jason’s doing. Ugh. Just freaking ugh.
Stanton Shaw in Overruled by Emma Chase: After I finished Overruled, I called Holly on the phone and ranted to her for about a half hour about everything that I hated about Stanton Shaw. I hated the way that he strung Sofia along while he tried to woo his girl Jenny back. I hated the way that he didn’t think what he was doing was freaking creepy as hell and just all around icky. He spent his days trying to woo Jenny back and when he failed, he would spend his nights rocking Sofia’s world in bed. This went on for weeks and weeks and even in the end, he doesn’t choose Sofia first. She runs home to get over Stanton (cause she can’t take it anymore) and that assshole waits until after Jenny’s wedding to another man before he runs to win Sofia back. Ugh. His whole entitled demeanor and just the icky relationship he had with Jenny in college and then his attitude before he finds out that Jenny is getting married? Ugh.

Michaela from Angels Blood by Nalini Singh: Umm, this bitch needs to go. I know that I’ve only read one book in the series but I don’t give a damn. She tried to kill my girl Elena and that business just doesn’t fly with me. Her ol’ jealous ass thinks that she can do whatever she wants, kill whoever she wants because she’s an archangel? I don’t think so boo boo kitty. Bye, bitch.
What about you? Are there any characters that you just absolutely hated while reading a book? Share with the class!