Tag: Reader Events

A Recap of the Passion and Prose Event in Long Beach, CA

Posted February 29, 2012 by Rowena in Reviews | 6 Comments

Over the weekend, I attended the 2012 Passion and Prose event that was held at the Westin in Long Beach, CA. Lots of awesome authors attended the event and I was able to hang with some of my favorite book buddies and I also got to meet some pretty awesome new book friends too.The event started promptly at 9am, but really all you did was register, get your badge, eat breakfast and meet your friends.

The first person I saw when I got there was Super Librarian Wendy. Wendy is one of my fellow So Cal Blogging buddies and it was good to see her again, we chatted for a little bit and then Lori from I Just Finished Reading arrived and we caught up with Lori, Helen Kay Dimon and Zoe Archer. It was a little early in the morning but that didn’t stop us from laughing it up until 10am came around and it was time to go in and get seated.

Each table seated about 8 people around and an author was seated at each table, so us readers got to eat with our very own author for the entire day. I sat at Zoe Archer’s table and she’s pretty fanfrickin’tastic. She, along with the other ladies at the table kept the conversation going throughout the day and it was great to meet and chat with others who share my love of books for an entire day.

We had a lovely breakfast of danishes, bagels, chocolate croissants and a variety of pastries, a variety of teas and coffee. Everything tasted delicious and I was seriously in Heaven.

They were also selling books that were provided from the bookstore that is literally like two minutes away from my house. Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore, I can’t believe that I haven’t been inside this bookstore and it’s so close to my house. It’s a lot closer to my house than my Barnes and Noble store is and that’s the bookstore that I usually go to. After attending this event, I will definitely be checking this bookstore out. I had a blast at the Passion and Prose event.

My table was a bit toward the back so the pictures that I took of the keynote speakers are really grainy because I was taking the pictures with my iPhone and not a camera or anything, so sorry for the grainy pics. The first keynote speaker was Gail Carriger and she had me laughing up a storm that I marched out at the first break and bought her book. I’m not a fan of steampunk, I’m too chicken to try it out (its way outside of my comfort zone) but after sitting through Gail’s speech, I’m definitely going to give it a try. If her books are anything like her personality than I’m totally going to enjoy it.

Gail talked about pretty much everything from tea to her background in academia and she taught me what “killing your darlings” mean and I really just enjoyed her whole keynote speech. She was cute, she was funny and she made me want to branch out and try other genres outside of my comfort zone so steampunk, here I come…=)

Afterward, we broke for the first of a couple of book signings and author chat fests. There were tables set up outside of the conference room where the authors were sitting, ready to get their sign and chat on. This is where I went kind of crazy. Being the airhead that I am, I forgot to bring books for the authors to sign so I had to buy books, not that I was really all that mad about spending money on books.

Sylvia Day and Zuri Day

Tessa Dare

Jill Sorenson

Jill Sorenson and Lori

I’m a huge fan of Jill Sorenson and I was thrilled when I asked her to take a picture with her and she told me that she’s never taken a picture with a fan before. WHAT? Why in the heck not? I mean, she’s pretty awesome so everyone should be taking pictures with her but yay me on being the first fan to ask Jill Sorenson to take a picture. Lori!!! We were the first fans to take a picture with Jill!

After the first book signing, we went back into the conference room and the Breathless Reads panel was up. Can I tell you just how adorable they all were? I really enjoyed listening to them share their stories with us. They shared their publishing stories, their writing styles and funny stories that was totally enjoyable. I run a YA book blog so I thought that I knew most of the YA authors out there but I hadn’t heard of two of the authors but I definitely know who they are now and will definitely be reading their books soon.

Lunch was served while the Breathless Reads Panel was up there talking and I was so hungry that I didn’t take a picture of my food before I scarfed it down but it was good, trust me…that’s why afterward, my plate looked like this:

Before I inhaled that, it was a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. It was fabulous, so much better than the rubbery chicken that people say they usually serve at these kinds of things so I was a happy camper.

After lunch, they served sundaes for dessert and it was delicious!

Oh, and they also served macarons. I’ve been itching to try these out since my friend Foti came back from Paris and was gushing about how good these little things are. I finally tried them and loved them. I’m on a mission to find a bakery that sells these.

I tried the lemon and the coffee one (didn’t want to feel like a total pig) and I’m definitely going to try more of these.

After the Breathless Reads panel, we broke again for another author signing…and this is where I stalked someone’s life. =P This is where I went in search of the YA authors that were apart of this event.

Jessi Kirby.

Andrea Cremer

Beth Revis

Now, after I took this next picture, I could have walked away from this event and my life would have been complete. I mean, if you’ve followed this blog from the beginning then you’ll remember how many books I read and reviewed by this author on this very blog and you’ll remember how much I absolutely LOVE this author.

She seriously rocks my socks! Look guys, it’s me and MEG FREAKING CABOT!

Meg Cabot was the freaking bomb. She’s so funny and super cute and I was thrilled to have gotten the chance to chat with her for a little bit. When we went back into the conference room, it was the last keynote speaker of the day, Meg freaking Cabot.

I can’t express how cute she is. I have a serious girl crush on her. I love her books, I love her personality and she made me the happiest person because she told me little tid bits about THE NEW HEATHER WELLS BOOK! It comes out in the summer and I’m more than a little anxious for it.

Meg Cabot is such an entertaining speaker. She shared story after story and had everyone in the audience laughing and smiling all over the place. She’s got such a sparkly personality that its hard not to get wrapped up in her. She told us the story about how she first got published, she told us stories that happened in her real life that led to books, she told us about Whitney Houston optioning off The Princess Diaries into a movie and she told us the story of the movie premiere for the movie and all of her stories were just as adorable as she is.She wrapped up an event that was fabulous, fun and something that I’d definitely come back to for more. The entire day was a good time and I thought everyone that had anything to do with putting it together did an outstanding job. From the authors to the tiny details of lunch, venue and seating, everything was great. I would definitely recommend this event to readers of romance and young adult fiction. You’ll have a good time, I promise!How can I forget to talk about the goodie bags? Those were fabulous! Check out the swag that we got for coming to Passion and Prose…love it!
And where’s what I bought at the event:

I’m definitely going next year! It was so good to see my buddies Lori and Wendy. It’s always nice to get together with my girls and chat about books and catch up on life. I love my girls!My favorite person of the day was definitely, this lady!

If you haven’t read anything by Helen Kay Dimon, you’re missing out because she’s hilarious and one of the very nicest people I’ve ever met. All in all, it was a fabulous day of books, authors and food- my favorite things in all the world! =)
I can’t believe I didn’t get any pictures of me, Wendy and Lori. I suck. I’m late adding my recap of the weekend but you can read Lori’s recap here and Wendy’s recap here.

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Tea Time with Julia Quinn and Eloisa James!

Posted April 5, 2011 by Rowena in Reviews | 2 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Recently, Julia Quinn and Eloisa James collaborated on the story told in three parts, The Lady Most Likely which I reviewed here. To celebrate the success of the book, Julia Quinn and Eloisa James are hosting an intimate tea party in Seattle, Washington next month.

If Julia Quinn and Eloisa James were hosting a tea party anywhere in the Los Angeles (and surrounding) areas, I would so be there.

So if you’re in the Seattle area and are interested in attending this reader event, you can buy tickets for $10 at Bookperk.

Here are the deets to the event:

Date: April 10, 2011

Time: 3 pm to 4 pm

Location: Panama Hotel Tea House, 607 South Main Street, Seattle, Washington 98104

Cost: The $10 ticket includes tea, cake, gratuity and inclusion in a special raffle.

Books: Available for purchase onsite via University Book Store

Tickets Available on Bookperk NOW

Sounds like so much fun! I’ve always wanted to go to a tea party and this sounds like just the thing Gwendolyn, Katherine and Georgie would attend if they were real and alive. =P It sounds like a good time because you’d get some one on one time with two of romance’s popular authors!

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Live Streamin’ with Avon at the RT Convention!

Posted April 4, 2011 by Rowena in Reviews | 0 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Not going to be in Los Angeles next weekend for the RT Convention? Don’t sweat it, Avon is bringing the RT Convention to you…no matter where you are.

On April 6th, Avon will be live streaming an author event which features such authors as:


Here are the details for this particular event from Avon themselves:

April 6, 2011
6 pm PT


If you are a romance fan, but you can’t make it to the RT Booklovers Convention in Los Angeles next week, join your favorite authors online for a virtual chat and book signing, broadcast live from the Avalon Ballroom at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in L.A.!


Featured among the participating New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors are: Katharine Ashe, Elizabeth Boyle, Tessa Dare, Sophie Jordan, Cathy Maxwell and Sophia Nash.


April 6, 2011
6 pm PT; 9 pm ET


This is the fifth live-streaming event brought to fans by Avon Books. Our most recent “online signing” from Turn the Page Bookstore in Boonsboro MD featured authors such as Nora Roberts and Jeaniene Frost, and was enjoyed by more than 1500 romance fans around the world via Livestream. Attendees travelled (virtually) from as far as Germany, Kenya, India, Pakistan, Ireland, Nigeria and Tunisia!


Participants can watch online at www.livestream.com/romance, and order personalized copies at http://www.mystgalaxy.com/event/rt-booklovers-convention-la.

I won’t be able to attend the Convention until that weekend but I plan on participating in this so join the fun, you know you want to!

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