Tag: Reader Discussions

#BloggerBlackout: On Entitlement #HaleNo

#BloggerBlackout: On Entitlement #HaleNo

Things have been pretty intense in the blogosphere as of late. A publisher is suing a blogger; An author stalked a reviewer, going so far as to visit her home; An author complained that Amazon’s Vine program tanked her book; An author actually assaulted a reviewer. The explosion of the interwebs since Hale’s article has […]

The First Book I Loved to Hate: Open Thread for Readers

The First Book I Loved to Hate: Open Thread for Readers

Warning: This post contains spoilers! I’ve marked them below. The Open Thread at Dear Author got me thinking today about the first romance novel I ever loved to hate. When I first started reading romance I pretty much loved everything I read. Not having a basis for comparison, it all seemed wonderful. Even when the […]

Book Binge: The Beginning

Book Binge: The Beginning

Rowena: Before we started blogging, Holly and I were really into the author bulletin boards that we were apart of. A huge chunk of our days were spent discussing different books (the same books over and over again, but still) and heroes and just being ourselves. Ha, I still remember our sign on names for […]

Evolution of a Romance Reader

Evolution of a Romance Reader

Holly: Back in the early 2000’s, my life was a mess. I had just gotten out of a bad marriage, moved to a new state and started over. I’m not going to lie, I was in a bad place. My head was a mess. I had no friends. I was starting a new career. I […]

Book Confessions: Small Town Overdose

Posted April 21, 2012 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , , | 11 Comments
Book Confessions: Small Town Overdose

There seems to be a whole hot dang lot of small town romances out in the market these days. I can’t walk down the aisle at the bookstore or even in Target for that matter without seeing at least five different small town romances. There’s the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr (which is at […]