Tag: Reader Discussion

Does Setting Matter To You?

Posted April 15, 2009 by Rowena in Reviews | Tagged: , , | 24 Comments
Does Setting Matter To You?

One of the things that I love most about romance is that there is something out there for everyone. You like cute and cuddly contemporary romances? There are numerous authors out there for you to try. You like virginal heroines in historical settings? Got a dozen authors you can choose from. Angst ridden vampires more […]

Reading pet peeves

Posted March 31, 2009 by Casee in Discussions | Tagged: , , | 17 Comments
Reading pet peeves

I have this pet peeve when I’m reading that drives me absolutely mother-f-ing crazy. What is it, you ask? FLASHBACKS. I freaking hate them w/ a passion. I rarely hate anything b/c hating takes up too much energy. But I hate flashbacks. I hate when I’m all into a story and then all of a […]

What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?

What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?

We’re almost a quarter of the way through 2009 already. It seems like it was just last week that I decided not to make any New Years resolutions. So yesterday I was looking at my pathetically short list of March reads (only eight so far). Then I looked back to what I’ve read so far […]

Binge Reading

Binge Reading

This year started out really well for me reading-wise. 2008 was a big disappointment in the reading department. I didn’t keep track of my reading, but I know I only averaged a couple books a month, as opposed to 2007 where I read over 300 books throughout the year. But my reading mojo came back […]

What author will you not give up on?

As I was looking over my wishlist at Amazon.com, I saw that I still haven’t attempted to get Fire and Ice by Julie Garwood. I haven’t even considered buying it and haven’t even called the library to see if they have it. So I would say that Julie Garwood is an author that I have […]