Tag: Reader Discussion

Is there anything worse than a reading slump?

Is there anything worse than a reading slump?

We’ve discussed reading slumps at Book Binge numerous times. It’s been awhile since the last time and with all the new readers, I figured it was time to to talk about it yet again. I want to know what you do to get out of a reading slump. On Friday, I finished Bad Moon Rising […]

Stalker Lurrve…

Stalker Lurrve…

…and no, this time I’m not talking about the crazy ex-stalker. I’m talking about the hero(ine). The other day I was in the car (I seem to do my best thinking in the car – and in the shower – where I can’t write anything down) and I got to thinking about heroes (and heroines) […]

Infidelity in Romance

Infidelity in Romance

This past weekend, Tracy came over and spent some time with me (ok, mostly she spent time in my book room), and while she was here we started discussing infidelity in romance. This is a long recycled topic here in Romanceland. There are some who don’t mind infidelity, or feel they can get past it […]

Why I Buy from Amazon.com

Why I Buy from Amazon.com

For several months blogland has been in an uproar over various things that Amazon.com has (or hasn’t) done. Last month there was some kind of glitch (according to Amazon it was a glitch, many others have a hard time believing that was actually the case) in their system that caused almost all romance and romantica […]

Are We Missing Something Here?

Are We Missing Something Here?

Last week, Katiebabs wrote a post entitled Reviewer Beware! No More Books For You! This particular topic centers around a reviewer who received the following email from someone at the blog where she reviews at. It reads: “As I mentioned to you sometime ago, a number of authors have written me requesting that I do […]