Tag: New Adult

Review: Seeking Her by Cora Carmack

Review: Seeking Her by Cora Carmack

Rowena’s review of Seeking Her (Losing It #3.5) by Cora Carmack. Jackson Hunt gets his turn in this Finding It prequel novella … Jackson Hunt hasn’t been out of the military for long, but he needs to get a job and find a sense of normalcy if he is going to keep his demons at […]

Review: Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young

Review: Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young

I didn’t enjoy Before Jamaica Lane as much as Down London Road (my favorite of the series). The characters both read as young to me, which marred my enjoyment somewhat. I think the story suffered for having been written in first person. I generally don’t mind that with Young, but I think we needed to […]

Review: Unspoken by Jen Frederick

Review: Unspoken by Jen Frederick

Rowena’s review of Unspoken (Woodlands #2) by Jen Frederick. Whore. Slut. Typhoid Mary. I’ve been called all these at Central College. One drunken night, one act of irresponsible behavior, and my reputation was ruined. Guys labeled me as easy and girls shied away. To cope, I stayed away from Central social life and away from […]

Review: Deeper We Fall by Chelsea M. Cameron

Review: Deeper We Fall by Chelsea M. Cameron

Rowena’s review of Deeper We Fall (Fall & Rise #1) by Chelsea M. Cameron. Two years after her best friend was involved in a car accident that caused a traumatic brain injury, Lottie Anders is ready to start her freshman year of college. Ready to move on. Ready to start forgetting the night that ripped […]

Review: All of You by Christina Lee

Review: All of You by Christina Lee

Rowena’s review of All of You by Christina Lee. Avery has just met her hot upstairs neighbor. He’s irresistible. Tattooed. And a virgin. Nursing student Avery Michaels wants nothing to do with dating—she’s perfectly happy single. Privy to too many of her mother’s bad decisions and even worse taste in boyfriends, all Avery can handle […]