Tag: New Adult

Review: Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine

Review: Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine

This read more like YA than NA. Though both characters are in college, it felt like a high school romance.  The story is told in alternating first-person point-of-view chapters from Levi and Pixie. They’ve known each other since grade school, but something happened to separate them a year ago. Now they’re both back in their […]

Review: True by Erin McCarthy

Review: True by Erin McCarthy

Since Rowena and Tracy both reviewed this book already, I’m just going to jump right into what I liked and what I didn’t. I really liked Rory and Tyler. They were both caregivers in their own way and took care of each other. Rory was such a cute little nerd. I loved how logical she […]

Joint Review: No Attachments by Tiffany King

Joint Review: No Attachments by Tiffany King

Rowena: This was just okay. I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it.  I don’t know what it was but the whole embarrassing themselves with the other witnessing it got to be too much for me. The first couple were cute and made me laugh but as they continued, I kept rolling my eyes because really? […]

Review: Taking Control by Jen Frederick

Review: Taking Control by Jen Frederick

While Losing Control was told primarily from Tiny’s POV, Taking Control is told mostly from Ian’s. For years his only goal has been to amass as much wealth as possible so he can get revenge against the man who ruined his mother. His plan originally included using Victoria aka “Tiny”, but then he fell in […]

Review: Unspoken by Jen Frederick

Review: Unspoken by Jen Frederick

This is the second book in Frederick’s Woodlands series. I had some problems with Undeclared, the first book, that I feel were cleared up in this book. Though it isn’t perfect, it was a solid read with emotionally compelling characters. AnneMarie (AM) had a fun first few months at college. Then she had sex with the wrong […]