Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post – I must say I love all of my blogging friends. They’re always there with a kind word and thought when it is needed. You guys are the best! It’s been a heck of a day but we’ve all gotten through it so far and can only go one day at a time.
Other than that the week was pretty good. The girls got their school pictures back which are adorable (and you know damn well that I’ll post them eventually cuz I’m just that kind of mom! lol) and they got their report cards as well. My youngest is doing extremely well in 1st grade and the teacher says she’s very motivated to learn – I love to hear that!! My oldest actually had a pretty good report card despite her current problems. The teacher said that she’s a great participant in class and asks a lot of questions and that she’s seen much improvement in the past month. That is so good to hear – obviously the tutoring is paying off! Yay!
So let’s get to the books:

Electra Galaxy’s Mr. Interstellar Fellar by Candace Samswas a pretty good book. It had it’s issues but it was mostly good (Kind of like in The Princess Bride when Westley was mostly dead). If you want more info you can see my review a couple of posts back.

Then it was on to Scions: Revelation by Patrice Michelle. This is a Harlequin Nocturne that will be released on Dec. 1. My review is scheduled for tomorrow so hop on by and check it out.

Next up was The Duke and I by Julia Quinn. The Bridgerton series was recommended to me over a year ago and I just never got around to reading it – like so many others that I’ve been told to read. Let me just say I loved this book. I thought Daphne was just wonderful and Simon, oh how my heart ached for him as a man but also for his horridly emotionally abusive childhood. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.

After that I read Undead and Unworthy by Mary Janice Davidson. Although the writing was great I have to say I didn’t like this book as much as I’ve liked the others in this series. It just seemed to have a darker element in it that just didn’t appeal to me, especially at the end. And the character Nick was just so incredibly annoying I wanted to crawl through the pages and kill him myself. Bastard! Anyway, liked the book, but not as much as the others.

Birthright by Mari Freeman was my next read. This was a great book. I was immediately pulled into the story of Keena and her birthright as a witch and Priestess of the Wild. I thought Mari’s descriptions of WildLand as well as the different paranormal characters were fascinating. It was just a great fantasy as well as a wonderful romance – which at one point I cried about. It’s not easy to make me cry in a story! lol Very good book – I recommend it. Oh, and Mari received the Gold Star Award from Just Erotic Romance Reviews for this book. Congrats Mari!!

Last up were 2 short stories: The first was Tree of Buried Secrets by Cassie Exline. This was an odd story. It started when the author was 18 but then quickly went to when she was 70 or so. There was a secret that she had kept since she was 18 from her family and the story was the reminiscing about the secret as well as the secret itself. It wasn’t a bad story at all, just oddly written IMO.

The second short was Diamond Wolf by Kat Haeske. This is an m/m story about a Lupine and a Vampire becoming mates. Pretty good. My review will be up on The Book Binge sometime this week I think.
That was all for this week folks. Happy Reading to you.