Tag: Linda Howard

Book Watch: Death Angel by Linda Howard

Posted June 13, 2008 by Holly in Promotions | Tagged: , , , | 13 Comments
Book Watch: Death Angel by Linda Howard

Yes, I know, I’m a glutton for punishment. I can’t seem to help myself, though! I’m a Linda Howard fangirl through and through, which means I love her – even when I don’t. I haven’t been impressed with any of her releases since Kiss Me While I Sleep, but that doesn’t stop me from lusting […]

Review: Dream Man by Linda Howard

Review: Dream Man by Linda Howard

Book description: Marlie Keen was trying to lead a quiet, ordinary life. She thought the knowing — the clairvoyance that allowed her to witness crimes as they happened — had been destroyed in the nightmare of her past. Then one night it returned with a vengeance, and she desperately needed to find someone to make […]

Epilogue: Yay or Nay?

Epilogue: Yay or Nay?

So I was re-reading Dream Manby Linda Howard and it got me thinking about Epilogues. I love when a book has an Epilogue. I like seeing what is happening after the characters get their HEA. Dream Man has one of my favorite Epilogues of all times. Dane rolled out of bed, looked at Marlie, turned […]

Our LH Battle of the Heroes: The Standings. Update: 4/29/08

Posted April 29, 2008 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , | 86 Comments
Our LH Battle of the Heroes: The Standings. Update: 4/29/08

Hey ya’ll! Today’s a new day with a new battle on our hands. But before I get into the new contestants in today’s battle, here are the standings so far: Round 1: Battle 1: Lucas Swain (1) vs. Wyatt Bloodsworth (3) Battle 2: Wolf MacKenzie (10) vs. Niall of Scotland (2) Battle 3: Webb Tallant […]

Our LH Battle of the Heroes: The Standings. Update: 4/29/08

Posted April 29, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | Tagged: , , | 86 Comments
Our LH Battle of the Heroes: The Standings. Update: 4/29/08

Hey ya’ll! Today’s a new day with a new battle on our hands. But before I get into the new contestants in today’s battle, here are the standings so far: Round 1: Battle 1: Lucas Swain (1) vs. Wyatt Bloodsworth (3)Battle 2: Wolf MacKenzie (10) vs. Niall of Scotland (2)Battle 3: Webb Tallant (4) vs. […]