Tag: Lexi’s Reviews

Review: The Villa by Nora Roberts

Posted March 12, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 2 Comments

Review: The Villa by Nora RobertsReviewer: Lexi
The Villa by Nora Roberts
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: March 19th 2001
Pages: 496
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Sophia Giambelli has never had to worry about competition. For three generation, the Giambelli wines have been renowned for their quality- from Napa Valley to Italy, and throughout the world. The pride of the Giambelli family, and a top PR executive, Sophia loves her job- and excels at it.

But things are about to change at Villa Giambelli. Tereza, the matriarch, has decreed that a merger will take place with the MacMillan family's winery- and Sophia will be taking a new role. As a savvy business-woman, she knows she has to be prepared for anything...but she isn't prepared for Tyler MacMillian.

They've been ordered to work together very closely, to make the merger as smooth as possible. Sophia must teach Ty the finer points of marketing and promotion- and Ty, in turn, shows her how to get down and dirty, to use the sun, rain, and earth to coax the sweetest grapes from the vineyard. But as they toil together, both in and out of the fields, Sophia is torn between a powerful attraction and a professional rivalry. At the end of the season, the course of the company's future- and the legacy of the Villa- may take an entirely new direction. And when acts of sabotage threaten both the family business and the family itself, Sophia's quest will be not only for dominance, but survival....

Hey everyone, Rowena here posting a review that a friend of mine, Miss Lexi was kind enough to write for us to test out her reviewing skills. She’s about to open up her own book blog and wanted to see how she’d do writing reviews for all the books that she reads. She reads plenty of books and now she’ll be writing about those books on a blog coming soon to a blogosphere near you.

Take it away Lex…


Hello, my name is Lexi and I’m here to write my thoughts out on a book that my good friend, Wena was kind enough to give to me to read and enjoy.

Totally enjoyed this one.

I haven’t read very man Nora Roberts books because I’m more of a chick lit kind of girl but my girl told me that this was a good one so I picked it up and read and read and read until I got to the end and could take that deep breath that let me know that I was going to be okay even though I just finished a book that I frickin’ love with all of my heart.

This book was sooooo good. I fell in love with that hunka hunka burnin’ Ty love and I thought that Sophie was a great female lead. With everything going on, I thought that it would take up too much of the story but I didn’t think it did at all. I enjoyed Nora Roberts writing before and I continue to bow down to her greatness with this book. It had everything one could ask for in a romance novel. It had lots of angst, intrigue and a steamy love affair between two very compatible characters. I enjoyed this book a whole lot and I know everyone else will too.

Thanks Ween, I loved this book!


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