Tag: Lex Valentine

What I Read Last Week

Posted January 11, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 14 Comments


How was your week last week? Did you read anything spectacularly wonderful? If so you need to let me know!

This past Saturday we had a small gathering of the So Cal Bloggers. Wendy, Lori, Renee, Holly, Rosie and I all got together and did a little used book store hop along with lunch. It was great fun and I’m pretty sure we all had a good time – at least I know I had a good time. 🙂 Let’s see…I got books 1 & 3 in the Tessa Dare trilogy, one of the Lynn Kurland time travel books that I’ve been getting (I really should start reading those), the remaining 3 books in Anne Stuart’s series about the Committee, The Hello Girl by Merline Lovelace and…wait, I think that’s it. lol I’m trying to do this off the top of my head but I think that’s it. Anyway, a good haul.

One of my local reading friends, Jen, was given a Total Gym by one of her friends. She decided she didn’t want it so she brought it to me and I am the new of own of parts of a Total Gym. There are no instructions how to put the darned thing together or how to use it but I’m sure a trip & search to the internet will supply me with that. Now I just have to get off my lazy ass and use it. We’ll see. 🙂

So what I read last week:

I started the week off with Forbidden Falls by Robyn Carr. I reviewed it here. 4.5 out of 5

Then there was Wild Heart by Lori Brighton. I was really looking forward to this book because for some strange reason I thought it had to do with shifters. Where on earth did I get that idea? IDK, but there were no shifters in this book. lol. It’s a historical novel that has a paranormal element in that the heroine can feel the feelings of animals and calm them – only this man that she’s supposed to be teaching…she can feel his feelings too. (Maybe that’s why I thought he was a shifter). It was an ok read. I found it to be slower than expected. I did like the hero but he was so quiet it was hard to get to truly know him. Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Next up was a “From Holly’s Bookself” read and my Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week – See Jane Score by Rachel Gibson. I borrowed the book from Holly way back when I visited her at her home. I’ve written a review for The Book Binge and will let you all know when it posts.

His Convenient Husband by JL Langley was my next read. I added this one to my M/M Challenge and you can read my review here. 3.5 out of 5

Another M/M Challenge review will be for Chasing Smoke by KA Mitchell – this review will post Wednesday. Yep, I’m on a roll! lol

My next read was Shifting Winds by Lex Valentine. This is the first short in the Tales of the Darkworld series. I have to say that I expected the story to be much darker than it was – hence the word “Darkworld” but really, it wasn’t at all. The story was about a vampire, Elysia, and a dragon shifter, Declan, who finally get together and have a night of passion. They fall in love quite quickly but the story is so short that it really doesn’t show us why they fall in love with each other, other than the fact that they discover they are mates and very much enjoy having sex. Some pretty hot sex scenes but I found the love story itself just so-so. Rating: 3 out of 5

Last on my list for the week was Warprize by Elizabeth Vaughan. This was recommended to me by Renee when the So Cal Blogger went to Costa Mesa and stalked the UBS there. I really liked the book for the most part and am looking forward to the next book. I did find the Warlord, Keir, much more communicative and understanding than I would expect a Warlord to be, but I didn’t think that it took away from the story at all. Rating: 4.25 out of 5

Happy Reading!

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