Tag: Lauren Clark

Guest Author: Lauren Clark.

Posted January 11, 2012 by Rowena in Promotions | 3 Comments

Rowena: The Book Scoop would like to welcome author Lauren Clark to the blog today. She’s here to talk about her new book Stay Tuned which I read and enjoyed. You can read my review of this book, here.

Take it away, Lauren…

Lauren Clark: Everyone’s short on time. Life’s too busy! Where’d the day go? It’s a fact. You have to be selective about who and what gets your attention. If reading a good book helps you stay sane, then Stay Tuned is the perfect escape. It’s fun, fast-paced, and a peek behind the scenes at a local TV news station. Best of all, it’s all about someone else’s crazy life!

Stay Tuned is also based on a true story. Before I began work at an Upstate New York television station as a reporter, the two main anchors (who were in a romantic relationship) got into a fistfight in the parking lot of the television station. They were fired, the incident made the newspaper, and a lot of ugly editorials and threats were exchanged. The story—and the irony of these two successful people losing their jobs—has always stayed with me. While I was beginning to write Stay Tuned, I thought it might be interesting to have something similar happen—this time, while the anchors were on air—and watch what unfolded behind the scenes.

Now that I’ve shared those messy details, (see, you never know what might end up in a novel!) here’s more about Stay Tuned: Melissa Moore has a good life—better than average—but not great. She’s stuck with an absentee husband and a high-maintenance boss, and must help care for her mother, who’s afflicted with dementia. While Melissa loves her job as a producer, her two main co-anchors’ on-again, off-again love affair is a constant stressor. When their arguing gets out of hand in the studio, punches fly during a live show. Melissa jumps on set to help—sink or swim. When the dust settles, her boss taps her to be a fill-in anchor until a replacement can be found.

With the help of her best friend Candace, Melissa’s wardrobe and haircut get a much-needed update and polish. Bolstered by praise and encouragement from friends and strangers, Melissa tackles her new job with confidence and energy. Meanwhile, though, her personal life starts falling apart. Is it just her imagination or does her new male co-anchor seems a little too friendly? Why is her husband leaving post-it notes instead of calling? Can she cope with her mother’s failing memory? Who’s sending strange packages to her house? Is someone stalking her?

In the midst of all of this chaos, tragedy strikes. Fire breaks out at a local home for the elderly, a friend of the family loses her life, and Melissa’s husband reveals dark secrets that may cost him his job. As the story races to the finish, Melissa must make choices that will affect everything and everyone she loves.

I hope you enjoy Stay Tuned as much as I loved writing it! I’d love to hear what you think about the story and characters. Feel free to drop me at line at laurenclarkbooks@gmail.com.

Rowena: Thanks so much for joining us today on The Book Scoop, Lauren. I hope you’ll go out and get yourself a copy of Stay Tuned. I enjoyed it and I’m sure you will too!

..and that’s your scoop!

Buy the book: B&N|Amazon|Book Depository
Book cover and blurb credit: Lauren Clark Books

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Review: Stay Tuned by Lauren Clark.

Posted January 11, 2012 by Rowena in Reviews | 5 Comments

Rowena’s review of Stay Tuned by Lauren Clark.

Main Character: Melissa Moore
Series: None
Author: Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads

What happens when a #1 news team becomes the top story instead of reporting it? For TV producer Melissa Moore, crisis management comes with the job. From employee disputes to her high-maintenance boss, there’s not much she hasn’t seen or can’t handle. But no one—including Melissa—expects a fistfight during the ten o’clock news. When sexy-but-crazy Alyssa Andrews lands a punch on her co-anchor’s face, Melissa jumps on set to help. She’s determined that WSGA’s reputation won’t be destroyed on her watch. Both anchors are fired and Melissa agrees to fill in—but not before polishing her look from haircut to heels. While the new Melissa wows WSGA viewers, her personal life starts fraying at the edges. Melissa’s husband is away more than he’s home, leaving cryptic Post-it notes in his wake. Her mother’s antics spiral out of control at the nursing home and a stalker decides Melissa is her next target. What happens next? Stay Tuned to find out…

When I signed up to read this book, I thought I was getting a chick lit. Something totally different from what I got but I can’t say that I was bummed about not getting that chick lit read. This book is more women’s fiction than chick lit but that was okay because I ended up liking all of the characters (even the guy that I kept saying, “He better not ask her out,” “He better not try to get fresh with her” about).
This book follows Melissa Moore as she rises from producer of a news show to the co-anchor of same said news show. It follows her as she battles jealous ex-anchors, tries to find out what’s really going on with her absent husband and fights internal battles with herself about co workers. I can’t imagine working at a place as fast paced as Melissa’s newsroom but I enjoyed getting an inside look into the world of TV news.
It was easy to follow along with everything that was going on in this book because Melissa had a voice that made me want to get to know her better. I cheered for her when she got the co-anchor job temporarily and loved when she got that make over. I really enjoyed the scenes between her and her best friend, the Dr. Phil lover and I wanted her to find out what was really going on with her husband, Chris and I wanted her to fix the problems there. I enjoyed getting to know Chris and I even enjoyed getting to know the people at the news station. From Rick to Drew to Joe and the guys, this book was filled to the brim was characters that made me laugh and made me want to keep turning the pages.
Overall, it was an enjoyable read. It was a read that had me laughing and I’m totally glad that I read it. If you’re in the mood for a light women’s fiction book then I think you should give this one a go because Clark introduced some characters that leaped right off the pages and into your heart. You’ll definitely enjoy this one.
..and that’s your scoop!

Buy the book: B&N|Amazon|Book Depository
Book cover and blurb credit: http://barnesandnoble.com

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