Tag: Kerrely Sparks

What I Read Last Week

Posted March 15, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 9 Comments

Well it was a pretty quiet week this past week – no science projects or belt tests.  That stuff always seems to happen at once, doesn’t it?   This pretty much leads me to reading because I’ve got nothing else to say! lol
My first book was a read for The Book Binge – but also me catching up on my series as well. Yes, my March endeavor is called Finish the Series but it could also be called Catch Up on The Series since I’m so behind in some!  Anyway, the book was Atlantis Redeemed by Alyssa Day.  This is book 7 in the Warriors of Poseidon series and a a good one.  It told of Brennan who was cursed 2000 years ago to never feel emotion until he met his one true mate but when he was away from her he’d forget her.  Bummer.  I’ve sent in my review and will let you know when it posts.  4.25 out of 5
Next up was another attempt at the Finish the Series Project – which will now be known as FTSP.  I read An Impossible Attraction by Brenda Joyce.  It was a good read .  And I have to say I love the cover – simple but beautiful.  You can read my review here4.25 out of 5
After that I read Self Preservation by Ethan Day.  A funny yet touching story about a man who is still in love with his ex but finds himself desperate to get him back when he finds out his ex is getting married.  My review here3.75 out of 5
Understood by Maya Banks was a short story about a woman who had been married to a famous football star and was abused.  It’s been 2 years and she’s now ready to live her life again.  One of her good friends – and former best friend of her husband – wants her in a bad way and always has.  He’s not about to let her head off with another man.  But is she really ready to take that next step.  This was an ok read for me.  It was a little predictable but very sweet and erotic.  3 out of 5
Another FTSP read was All I Want For Christmas is a Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks.  This is book 5 in the Love at Stake series (and I still need to read 6 & 7 to catch up) and it was a cute one.  This was Ian’s story.  He was changed to a vamp when he was 15 on a battlefield.  Even though he was centuries old he hated always looking 15.  In the previous book he drank a serum that one of the vamps had invented and every day he took it he looked a year older.  It was extremely painful but he now looks 27 and is ready to find his true love.  He enlists the help of his friend Vanda but she ends up putting him on a dating site and he’s inundated with vamps and mortals.  It just doesn’t work.  Especially since he’s got his eye on Toni – the new daytime guard. Only Toni’s not exactly coming clean about why she’s taking care of vamps.  I like this series because it’s just fun.  Nothing too heavy, lots of humor and good sex…and vampires – what’s not to like. 3.75 out of 5
Yes I was on a roll with my FTSP reads and grabbed Angel’s Peak (Virgin River book 10) by Robyn Carr.  I have to say that I think book 11 – which I already bought – will be my last in this series.  If I hadn’t already bought book 11 this would have been my last.  While I really like Carr’s writing style the series, for me, has grown a little stagnant.  I think the first 3 books and A Virgin River Christmas were my favs and while good since then the books are just a little too much.  This story followed Sean Riordan.  He was in a relationship 4 years ago that ended badly – only he could never forget her.  Back then he was a playboy – even though he was in a committed relationship with Franci for 2 years.  He didn’t want to be tied down to her by a piece of paper and certainly didn’t want kids.  Well Franci didn’t bother to tell him that she was pregnant when they parted.  Now they meet again and he’s shocked to learn of his daughter.  But he’s grown in 4 years and takes to fatherhood like a fish to water.  While I thought Sean was a complete ass for the first part of the book he really stepped up and was a good guy by the end of the book. The problem I had with this book is that it was like 2 stories.  The first story being Sean and Franci’s and the second part being Sean’s mother, Maureen.  I didn’t have a problem with her story but I wasn’t prepared to read 2 books in one.  I wanted more Sean and Franci!  3.25 out of 5
Last but not least….Mind Games by Carolyn Crane!  Yay me ! 🙂  I won this from Carolyn’s blog and read it yesterday.  I’ll post a review this week.  I’m not saying more. lol
Happy Reading!

(Oh, and the Ethan Day, Kerrelyn Sparks and Maya Banks books were also Tracy TBR Challenge Reads.  I really need to keep all these projects and challenges straight in my mind!)

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