Tag: Kathleen Brandt

Guest Review: Djinn by Kathleen Brandt

Posted July 13, 2008 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 0 Comments

Kris‘ review of Djinn by Kathleen Brandt.

Pleasure, pain and passion… A new master must be chosen

The last djinn lives only to fulfill her master’s every desire and erotic whim. But her master is dying. A new one must be chosen, and three men stand to inherit the beautiful and powerful Sharadzi.

Each man is given a chance to prove his worth. As Sharadzi passes through their hands, true natures are revealed: One man has love in his heart. Another, only passions. The last harbors dark plans to claim the last djinn at any price. Warning: This title contains explicit sex and gender fluidity.

This was interesting, but not my favorite. Sharadzi is owned by this old man who is dying. He loves her and she loves him but he wants to be sure of her welfare when he dies. So he picks his top three people in his company and tells them about her. He introduces them and then sends them all to his “cabin” for the weekend. They each get 24 hours exclusively with her to explore what she can do (and for her to see which she likes the best).

But things don’t quite work out as they had planned. Which is where for me the story got a little disjointed and rushed. There are a series of assassination attempts and it jumps around a lot and was at times difficult for me to follow. I enjoyed the first part of the story but the second part when they tried to make it this action suspense story, just did not work well, IMO.

It could have, I can see where they wanted to go with it, but I do not think that it quite got there.

I would give this a:

3 out of 5

This book is available in e-book format only from Lyrical Press. You can buy it here.

Read more from Kris at The Reading Spot.

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