Tag: Julie Garwood

Two Reviews: The Wedding and Nothing But Velvet

Two Reviews: The Wedding and Nothing But Velvet

Journeying from England to Scotland to wed a highlander, Lady Brenna has resigned herself to the arranged match. But when a band of fierce, painted warriors capture her en route, she fearlessly met their demand to marry their leader — the quick-tempered laird Connor MacAlister. She couldn’t know that her capture was merely the first […]

Weekly Reread: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Weekly Reread: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

A goal of mine is to eventually write a review for all the books I’ve ever read and so each week I plan on doing a Weekly Reread post so that I can revisit all the books that I’ve read and loved from way back in the day. This weekend’s reread was Honor’s Splendour by […]