Tag: Judith McNaught

Review: Once and Always by Judith McNaught.

Review: Once and Always by Judith McNaught.

I read this book for the first time, many many years ago…I believe it was back in ‘99. I remember because this is the book that I took with me on the drive to Utah when me and my family were driving out there for my Uncle Johnny’s funeral. I was pregnant with Brenna, though […]

Mr. May: Ian Thornton, Marquess of Kensington.

Mr. May: Ian Thornton, Marquess of Kensington.

Every once in a long while there comes along a hero that makes you forget all the other heroe’s you’ve read about before. You know the hero that comes to mind when the author is mentioned. Like, if someone were to say Karen Marie Moning, Dageus MacKeltar instantly comes to my mind, not to mention […]