Tag: Jenre

Kreativ Blogger Award

Posted August 11, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 10 Comments

Following in my blogger award spew of last week I want to keep things going with the Kreativ Blogger award. I was given a different Kreativ Blogger award back in December by CJ but this is a tad different (I think) and definitely greatly appreciated. This one was awarded to me by Jenre at Well Read. Jenre’s blog is wonderful and if you haven’t been to her site – go, really, go.

So I’m supposed to think of 7 of my favorite things and then nominate 7 bloggers to pass the award onto. It’s hard to come up with 7 things – I’m really a simple woman who finds beauty in so many things that it’s difficult to come up with 7 specific things but here’s my list:

1. Cuddling with my kids. We mainly do this while watching movies – we all crowd on one pillow and practically dogpile – but even if we only cuddle for a moment when the time is available it’s the best thing ever. I’ll take it any way I can get it!

2. Sitting in my backyard with a good book (when it’s not 110 degrees outside).

3. Reading (duh!)

4. Going on dates with my hubby. Not something we do often enough but it’s fabulous when it does happen.

5. Family birthday celebrations with my side of the family. We all get together and my mom makes our favorite food. We usually end up talking about funny shit that happened when we were younger (I’m the youngest of 4 kids so there’s a lot of funny shit). A good time is had by all.

6. Having my head massaged. Sounds odd but it’s friggin bliss I tell you. Bliss.

7. Hearing my daughters laugh.

So I’m giving it to 7 bloggers who I think are always Kreativ in what they do:

Stacy from Stacy’s Place on Earth

Blanche from There’s No Such Thing As Too Many Books

Nath from Books, Books and More Books

Carolyn Jean from The Thrillionth Page (yes, another one CJ! lol)

Anna from Anna’s Book Blog

Tumperkin from Isn’t It Romance?

Ana and Thea from The Book Smugglers

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