Tag: HQN

Sunday Spotlight: Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

Sunday Spotlight: Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I haven’t read a book by Kristan Higgins in ages, but the “coming home” premise is one of my favorites. I’m […]

Guest Review: Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

Guest Review: Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

Nora Stuart heads home to Scupper Island after she gets hit by a car and then breaks up with her boyfriend.  She needs some emotional downtime and needs her home.  Of course her mother is a pretty unemotional Mainer and her teenage niece is pretty angry at the world so things are a little rough […]

Guest Review: A Christmas Affair by Jodi Thomas

Guest Review: A Christmas Affair by Jodi Thomas

Wes and Maria don’t talk or really interact when she brings her stock in.  He pays her the money owed her and then she leaves.  Wes would like nothing more than to talk to her – and more – but he’s just too shy.  Maria ends up making the first move on Wes, which shocks […]

Review: The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter

Review: The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter

Cameo has longed for happiness, but knew it was out of her reach. She doesn’t remember details of her short time with Lazarus, but she knows it was special. Cameo is the keeper of the demon Misery and her demon doesn’t let her have a moment of happiness. Once she feels even a second of […]

Guest Review: Second Thought by Kristan Higgins

Guest Review: Second Thought by Kristan Higgins

First of all, Kristan’s books always seem to have the best covers!! I admit that I am a total cover snob, and that is one of the first things that make me want to pick up a book – even before I see if it is one of my favorite authors or not! And, I […]