Tag: Holly’s Reviews

Review: Night’s Surrender by Amanda Ashley

Review: Night’s Surrender by Amanda Ashley

Abbey grew up with vampires. Her mother began dating one when she was a small girl and eventually he adopted her. Once Abbey was 18 her mother was converted to one. Now Abbey is the only one her family who is still mortal. She’s been living in New York, pursuing a career as an actress, […]

Review: Midnight’s Kiss by Thea Harrison

Review: Midnight’s Kiss by Thea Harrison

The Nightkind demesne hasn’t held much appeal for me to date. Though I enjoyed Night’s Honor and looked forward to Julian and Melly’s story, the politics didn’t intrigue me as much as the other demesnes. As it happens, Julian and Melly were wonderful, and so were the Vampyre politics. Julian and Melly had a heavy […]

Joint Review: Moonlight on Nightingale Way by Samantha Young

Joint Review: Moonlight on Nightingale Way by Samantha Young

Holly: I was a bit wary going into this book based on the description. Logan as a major player didn’t really work for me based on his actions in the previous book. I’m glad to report that was a small portion of the plot, rather than the main focus. It was more about Grace’s perception […]

Review: Five Weeks by Dannika Dark

Review: Five Weeks by Dannika Dark

I wasn’t a big fan of Jericho in the previous books, but I was pleasantly surprised by him here. At first he was kind of an immature jerk, but as the novel wore on he grew up and I ended up really liking him. Izzy was a good heroine for him. She was funny and […]

Review: Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh

Review: Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh

  I loved Aden going into this book, and he didn’t disappoint. Zaira was the wild card. I didn’t dislike her in previous books, as I don’t think we got to know her very well, but I was a little leery about her as Aden’s heroine. She ended up being my favorite part of the […]