Tag: Heidi Rice

What I Read Last Week

Posted August 23, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 16 Comments

Greetings and Salutations!
How the heck are ya? Doing well I hope, as usual. We had a pretty darned quiet week in Tracyland – which I really like saying. 🙂
The kids are enjoying school so far. My oldest can’t stop complaining about the amount of folders and “stuff” she has to carry daily because she has no locker. She seriously has the most stuffed backpack I’ve ever seen! lol She’ll get used to it eventually, I’m sure. I hope.
Yesterday I watched a really great movie called Were The World Mine. It’s the story of a gay teen who attending an all boys school. His school mates are not understanding fellows, to say the least. He gets cast as Puck in a Midsummer Night’s Dream and his drama teacher helps him discovers a “recipe” that turns people gay temporarily. It’s a musical and pretty campy and a bit ridiculous at times but it was really good!
The week before last I didn’t read any m/m books and I think I was going through a bit of withdrawal so last week I made up for it. Now it may seem that I read a lot of books this week but some of them were very short and many 200 pages so it really wasn’t that much. 🙂
I started the week getting back into the Farm series by Andrew Grey. I had read Love Means…No Shame and really liked it so I picked up the prequel, Love Means…Courage. Another great book! This was Len and Cliff’s story (Geoff’s dads). Len goes to work on the farm after Cliff’s wife dies (the wife was Len’s best friend) and Len tries to get the land back in shape and drags Cliff out of his depression. I very much enjoyed watching the two men come together as Len had had a crush on Cliff since high school. 4.25 out of 5
I immediately started the next book in the Farm series, Love Means…No Boundaries by Andrew Grey. This was the story of Joey who had worked on the farm since he was 16 years old. Now graduated college, he had recently gotten into a motorcycle accident and had scars on his face that those who didn’t know him found offensive or disturbing. He meets Robbie who is a musician, and blind. Robbie is staying at the farm for 2 weeks while his orchestra is in town. In those two weeks Robbie and Joey find love. At first I was bothered by the fact that Robbie was blind and felt it was a bit of a cop out with Joey being scarred – why couldn’t it be a seeing person who accepted him, scars and all? But as the story progressed I saw that the fact that Robbie was blind helped Joey see life and himself in a different way. I think Robbie’s blindness also brought a level of intimacy that they wouldn’t have had otherwise. A very good book. 4 out of 5
I would have started the 4th book in the Farm series next but it wasn’t on my ereader and I was too lazy to get up and put it on so I started another series. I know, it’s horrible! lol
So I started a series that I’ve had for a while and had been meaning to read. I’m so glad I finally started it and ended up making a big dent in it. I started the Psycop series by reading Among the Living by Jordan Castillo Price. What a great story! The Psycop team is made up of 1 person with no psychic abilities whatsoever that they call a Stiff and 1 person who has psychic ability. In the first book we meet Victor who is the psychic (a medium who communicates with the dead) part of a team only his partner has retired. He’s at a party and gets cornered by a hunk of a cop, and a Stiff, Jacob Marks. Vic is pretty shocked that Jacob even knows who he is but goes with the flow…and likes it. The story revolves around Vic’s burgeoning relationship with Jacob, Vic meeting his new partner and Vic and his fellow cops finding a killer. I just loved Vic, despite his neurosis and other issues. 4.5 out of 5 (90 pages)
I continued with the series by reading a short (4 pages) called Thaw by JCP. The in-between shorts in this series are just little slices of life and not continuations of the story. This one was a cute story about Jacob and Vic ice skating. 4 out of 5
My next read was the second book in the Psycop series by JCP is called Criss Cross. This story had the continuing relationship between Vic and Jacob who have now moved in together while Jacob looks for a new place to live. Vic is adjusting to yet another new partner while his psychic powers are going bonkers. He’s seeing even more dead people and it’s starting to freak him out. He seeks help from a healer who turns out to be Jacob’s ex-boyfriend and also from a doctor at a clinic who helps pychics. But everyone in this story isn’t a good guy and the bad ones are out to get Vic. This was another great story that I so enjoyed reading. 4.5 out of 5 (about 91 pages)
Next was another slice of life short (6 pages) called Mind Reader. This story had Vic and Jacob’s ex, Crash, visiting an Egyptian exhibit so that Crash could see if Vic could communicate with a dead mummy. 3.75 out of 5
Book 3 in the Psycop series was Body and Soul. This story had Vic meeting, you guessed it, yet another new partner and making adjustments to someone who’s an old school cop and not used to dealing with a psychic. Jacob and Vic have moved their relationship to the next level and are looking for a new place to live…together, Vic is meeting Jacob’s family at Thanksgiving and Vic is then searching for 3 missing persons. This is another totally engaging story. I love seeing how Vic deals with life, non-believers in his medium powers and also Jacob dealing with his family. Good stuff. 4.25 out of 5 (169 pages)
The last JCP book in this series that I read last week was another short (6.5 pages) slice of life called Stroke of Midnight. This had Vic working on New Year’s Eve and Jacob heading to a party as well as thinking about his life with Vic. I really liked getting into Jacob’s head a little and seeing things from his point of view. 4 out of 5
Yes, I so would have continued in the Psycop series but I found that I had gotten them all except #4! ARG! lol I’ve remedied that problem and will be reading the rest of the series this week.
Jude in Chains by KZ Snow was my next read. This story was about Misha who is a reporter and heads to a seminar/camp/retreat that has reparative therapy for men who don’t want to be gay any longer. It heals them and makes them “normal”. Ug. Misha runs into a man, Jude, who he’d been attracted to for years but hadn’t acted on it. He’s distressed and disturbed by Jude’s desire to not be gay any longer. This was a very good story about Misha trying to get Jude to see that there was no repairing him because there was nothing wrong with him to begin with. 4 out of 5
Next was The Art of Dying (Partners in Crime #4) by Josh Lanyon and Jordan Castillo Price. Lanyon’s story was about a man, Finn, who is in a car accident and goes back to his hometown to recover after being gone for 3 years. During this time he’s told that his twin hasn’t been heard from in the past 3 years and he begins to suspect foul play. Along with the investigation he works out issues he had with an ex love. This was a great story. I had my suspicions about whodunit but I was WRONG! I know, it sucks that I was wrong but it was wonderful story. lol
JCP’s story was about a man, Ray, who had it all, money, cars, etc., and lost it all when his then boyfriend gambled it all away. Now he’s taken a job for a man who has Alzheimer’s and his wife. Only a dead body is found buried on the property and they don’t know who killed him. Anton is a next door neighbor who is an eccentric artist/sculptor and a bit off – but Ray and Anton find a connection in the midst of the chaos. Another wonderful story that I very much enjoyed reading. I thought that Anton’s character was great and Ray’s acceptance of his “quirks” was so good to see. 5 out of 5 for the two stories.
Talk about quirks and having your S.O accept them: Work of Art by Rob Knight was just such a short story (25 pages). Wade is an artist who is a bit of an odd bird. He does things like move all of his belongings into the kitchen because he wants to start fresh. He’s fascinated by the sleeping bag in the shower getting wet. He only eats cornflakes unless someone brings him food or takes him out. He’s obviously got some sort of disorder by functions well as long as he’s not around too much noise or too many people. Sawyer loves Wade to pieces and helps him whenever he can. I loved seeing the two characters play off of each other. I would have loved to see what Sawyer thought of Wade when he first met him but it was great to see Sawyers acceptance of Wade. 4 out of 5
Next I read a couple of Harlequin presents books that were sent to me from Tell Harlequin – they send them, I read them and then took a survey.
The first was Public Affair, Privately Expecting by Heidi Rice – London shop girl meets movie star and has affair – get’s pregnant and doesn’t tell him. Not bad. A little far fetched but ok. 3 out of 5
The second was Wild Fling or a Wedding Ring (who comes up with these names??) by Mira Lynn Kelly  – this was the story of a hard working woman who meets the man of her dreams and they have a great time once he gets her into bed. They hit it off well but he wants no commitment and she’s moving in 3 months. I really liked the reality in this one as it could totally happen. Yes, they both acted like idiots at different points in the book but I liked it. 🙂 4.25 out of 5
Born to Bite by Lynsay Sands is book 13 in the Argeneau series. This is the continuation of the book that I was so frustrated with, The Renegade Hunter, back in January. TRH ended on a total cliffhanger which I abhorred. I found out from Ms. Sands that Born to Bite was originally supposed to be published only 1 month later than TRH so there wouldn’t have been such a delay in finding out what the hell happened but it didn’t work out that way. Anyway, this was Armand’s story along with Eshe who is his second life mate. They are trying to figure out who killed his first 3 wives, as well as his daughter-in-law, while trying to save their own lives. I read this one for The Book Binge. 4.5 out of 5
Last on the list was The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. Lori had told me how much she enjoyed this book so I finally got it from the library and I loved it. The story of a woman who takes a job as a secretary for an Earl and they fall in love, though he’s engaged to someone else. Loved the story and the writing! I think I’ve got a thing for scarred heroes lately. 🙂 4.5 out of 5
My Book Binge reviews that posted:
Happy Reading!

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