You Have Crossed Over Into A New Dimension…

….you KNOW you wanna know
….you KNOW you wanna know
BINGEADUCKIA You Know You Wanna Know …You KNOW You Wanna Know
Today, Wena and I (Holly) are going to going confess some of our reading sins quirks. Feel free to do the same in either the comments section or your own blog. They say Confession is good for the soul, right? Holly: 1. Unless I’m reading a series book (like the Study Series by Maria V. […]
I saw this on Shannon’s blog. I’m not much of a Haiku writer myself, but it looks like fun. Y’all should try it! From Flight Into Fantasy: Know what would be fun? Awesome haiku in the comments Of this very post. Why am I doing this? Because you all need a way To procrastinate. It […]
So yesterday I was lurking on some BB’s that we used to post at when I noticed that on one of the boards, they’re playing a pretty fun game, a game that I totally wanted to play here at Book Binge. So I’m shamelessly stealing the idea from the wonderful ladies over at the, JDBB. […]