This is a post for bloggers with kids – or anyone with good advice, actually!
While I’d love to say that the food issues are mine – they’re not. They are my 12 year olds. She eats like a horse. Seriously. At meals she can down more than my hubby – it’s mind boggling. But the issues that she’s having – and that I’m having with her is the fact that she sneaks food and then lies about it.
Latest example: Yesterday I got home and the bag of Doritos (which we never have in the house so I understand the huge appeal) was 3/4 gone. I asked my daughter about it and she blamed it on my dad (who picks my kids up from school and stays until he takes the youngest to Taekwondo). I highly doubted that my dad – who has heart problems and eats pretty darned healthy – would have eaten them but I called him just to double check. Nope, he hadn’t eat a one. So there I am trying to explain to my daughter that it’s not ok to eat that many chips in one sitting, ever! She still denied it. There have been many times that things like this has happened only with other food items.
Lately whenever I clean the house, so normally once a week, I’m finding food wrappers stuck in the oddest places.
She seems to be doing this mostly when my dad takes my youngest to her TKD class on Mon, Tues, & Wed. She’s at home by herself during that time for about 1.5 hours. But I have noticed other times as well.
Frankly I’m at a loss. My kids have always asked if they could get a snack when they wanted one so the fact that she feels like she needs to sneak is a bit beyond my comprehension. I know she’s a growing girl – and she is growing fast, but she eats more than enough along with her normal healthy snacks to not be starving, imho.
My husband is ready to put a lock on the pantry door but I really don’t want to do that. Has anyone had this problem with their preteen/teen (she’s 12…will be 13 at the end of the month) and if so, what did you do about it?
Andy FYI – no, that’s not my pantry in the picture….*sigh* if only.