Tag: First day of school

The First Day of School 2010

Posted August 12, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 16 Comments

So my oldest daughter was so excited to get to 7th grade she set her alarm and woke up at 5am!  She said she needed to wash her face and brush her teeth, get dressed and have a good breakfast. Of course then she wandered around the house for another hour and a half until it was time to go.  So ridiculous but so cute.  I’m just happy she’s excited for school to start.  I remember being her age and having moved to a new town and the last thing I wanted to do was go to school! lol
My youngest started 3rd grade today!  I really can’t believe she’s old enough.  She was anxious about meeting her new teacher but excited to see all of her friends again.
Here are the pictures that I took this morning.  My oldest, who usually loves pictures, would only stand still for about a second and a half for me to shoot the picture. 🙂
I gotta tell ya I looked at that picture of my oldest and about freaked.  Let me show you why in a comparison of the first day of 6th and the first day of 7th:
Now can someone please tell me where my little girl went?  I’m thinking of locking her up until she’s 18! lol

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The first day of school

Posted August 20, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 21 Comments

Well today was the first day of school and it seemed to go well. My oldest was disappointed that she didn’t get the teacher she wanted but she quickly adjusted. My youngest has 2 teachers that job share so we’ll see how that goes. Here they are in all their glory (oldest in 6th grade and youngest in 2nd).

notice my youngest is sticking her tongue out – stinker!

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