Tag: Fantasy

Review: Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Review: Written in Red by Anne Bishop

When Holly first told me I absolutely needed to read this series, I was hesitant because it isn’t my usual fare. I like a hefty dose of romance in the books I choose to read and Holly straight out told me that The Others had romantic elements, but it technically wasn’t a romance series. Then […]

Review: Ariana by Ash Dylan

Review: Ariana by Ash Dylan

I saw a friend talking about this on Twitter and knew it was the book for me when I read “She spends her days killing every suitor she meets and refusing to cut her hair for anyone.” in the blurb. Yassss. I loved the concept of a tough, kickass Princess heroine who refused to humiliate […]

Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Posted February 12, 2019 by Holly in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , , , | 6 Comments
Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Like many others, I was disappointed when I realized Lake Silence was going to be set in the world of The Others, but wouldn’t feature any of my favorite characters from the Lakeside Courtyard. While there is a passing mention of some of the characters, this novel features a new cast. Soon enough I was […]

Sunday Spotlight: The Beast’s Heart by Leife Shallcross

Sunday Spotlight: The Beast’s Heart by Leife Shallcross

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I’m a total sucker for fairytale retellings, and Beauty and the Beast is a particular favorite. I have to say, Leife […]

Joint Review: Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven

Joint Review: Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven

Phoenix Unbound is the first book in Grace Draven’s Fallen Empire series and it follows a young woman named Gilene who was born with fire magic. Each year, the Empire demands a sacrifice from each village in the form of a young woman who will be burned to death for the entertainment of the masses […]