Tag: Discussions

Book Riot’s 100 Must Read Romantic Comedies

Book Riot released a list of the 100 Romantic Comedies everyone should read and it’s a really good list. I wanted to see how many of the books from the list that I read and how many I haven’t read but are on my TBR list so I took count. Here is where I landed. […]

Fantasy Reading Spaces

Posted September 22, 2016 by Jen in Discussions | Tagged: , , | 6 Comments
Fantasy Reading Spaces

Do a search for “reading space” on Pinterest and you’ll get countless photos of chairs and benches and couches, libraries and dens and lofts, all styled to look like perfect reading spaces. Everyone has their own visions of what that perfect reading space might look like, myself included. First, let’s take a look at my […]

Books to Movies

Books to Movies

If all the remakes happening are any indication, Hollywood is running out of new material (something my husband has been complaining about for year). With the plethora of new book releases every year, you’d think they’d have plenty of inspiration. Since they can’t seem to find anything good on their own, I thought I’d help. […]

Professional Courtesy

Professional Courtesy

This is a topic that has been on my mind for some time. I actually started this post back in July, but real life issues and laziness got the better of me and I abandoned it. I decided to revisit it based on some recent kerfuffles in Blogland. Most notably this one at The Story […]