Tag: Crazy Ass Dreams

Crazy Ass Dreams

Posted May 20, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 21 Comments

Do you have strange dreams when you sleep?  I don’t dream very often but when I do they are crazy ass dreams!  I wonder what the hell is up with my subconscious mind!
The dream I have most often – but yet it’s always a variation on the same theme (and it’s actually more of a nightmare) is that I’m driving on an extremely high overpass and I drive over the edge.  How effed up is that?  Always different scenarios but still the end result is the same – me flying off the edge.  What does this really mean?  When I drive on extremely high overpasses I’m never worried I’ll drive off one so why do I dream about it?
I’ve also had a few sexual dreams where I’ve been a man…having sex with a woman.  I’ve also been a man in my dreams having sex with another man…and yes, one of them was my husband.  Does anyone hear the twilight zone theme?  I do! lol  Honestly I’ve woken up a few times where the first sentence out of my mouth is, “what the fuck was that?”
What brought this post on you may ask.  Well, this past Saturday I woke up from my beauty sleep and realized that my dream that night was…me playing naked football.  That’s right, naked. football.  I was in the huddle and was worried about people seeing my ass and someone in the huddle said, “they just saw it when you were running the play, what’s the big deal?”  OMG mortifying!  The sad thing is that I can’t remember if I was the only one naked or not.  lol
So tell me – what have some of your crazy dreams been? 

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