Tag: Conferences

#RWA12 Day 1: Literacy Signing

Posted July 26, 2012 by Holly in Miscellaneous | 6 Comments

Due to scheduling conflicts, I’m not able.to attend RWA’s annual conference this year. Since I only live two hours away, however, I will be able to spend some time in Anaheim visiting with some of my favorite authors.

Tonight was the annual literacy signing. I met up with some fellow So Cal Bloggers (Tracy, Renee, Rosie and honorary member Lisabea [aka LB Gregg]) and hit the convention center to stalk…er…meet some of our favorite authors.

I meant to take pictures of the room,  but spaced it in all the excitement. I did get some pictures with some authors.

Nalini Singh
Jill Shalvis
Lauren Dane
Kira Brady (she’s so tall!)
Vivian Arend
Sarah MacLean

I have to tell you, I had a wonderful time stopping by and saying hello. I even stood behind Linda Freaking Howard for like 5 minutes without realizing it. Please excuse me while I squee like a fangirl.

Linda. Freaking. Howard. !!!

After the signing we had a meal in the lobby bar with Lynn and Blythe from AAR, along with many of our So Cal Bloggers. It was lovely to visit about books, the latest dramas and life in general.

I drove home for the evening (and can I just say So Cal traffic sucks?) but I’ll be heading back tomorrow afternoon.

Stay tuned…

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The Smithsonian Presents "How To Write a Romance Novel"

Posted February 22, 2010 by Holly in News | 1 Comment

The Smithsonian Associates, the cultural and educational outreach organization of the Smithsonian Institution, are presenting a seminar in Washington DC on March 27th called How To Write a Romance Novel.

Romance novelist Kathleen Gilles Seidel will be leading this seminar, which focuses on the process of developing a romance novel.

Tickets are $85 for members and $131 for general admission. If you’re in the DC area and are interested, you should think about signing up. Details are below. You can buy tickets here.

Ahh, romance novels. We like to read them, and many of us would like to write them. This seminar on one of the most popular genres on the market focuses on the process of developing a romance novel. Take one heroine, add a soupcon of conflict, introduce your leading man, and find a way for them to struggle with their growing attraction and ultimately find love. There is something here for everyone who loves a good story with a happy ending.

10 to 11 a.m. The Heroine

Romances are carefully crafted and tightly structured, but at the core of every successful one is a glowing sincerity. Who is the heroine, why should she be of interest to readers, and how do you make her appealing?

11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The Hero

The hero of a romance can be a mysterious sheik, your child’s high school principal, a vampire, or all of those at the same time. Learn who 21st century readers want to read about and how to make him believable.

12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Lunch

Participants provide their own lunch.

1:15 to 2:15 p.m. Conflict and Resolution

The woman is the prize at the end of the hero’s journey, and the woman’s concerns are in the center of a courtship plot.

2:30 to 3:30 p.m. After the Book Is Finished

Understanding agents, editors, and the options of self- or e-publishing.

Kathleen Gilles Seidel is the author of 14 novels, and her books have won every major romance-market award.


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