I know things have been pretty quiet around here lately, but we’ve got some exciting new things in the works. I know our posts have been few and far between lately, but just because we aren’t blogging doesn’t mean we aren’t talking about it…and when we start talking, crazy things start happening.
Here’s what we’ve got in the works:
We’re very pleased to announce a new addition to Book Binge. For years Casee and I have been talking books with each other. We argue them, we discuss them, we gush over them. Since 2004 she’s been my number one Book Pimp and as of today, she’s agreed to join us here at BB. I couldn’t be happier. Her reviews area always fun and fresh and..consistent. LOL Yes, Casee actually does reviews. Know what that means? Yep, regular reviews on BB. But hey, no pressure Casee. 😛
Everyone, please join us in welcoming Casee. If you haven’t already done so, you can check out her reviews at Book Pimping One Review at a Time.
We’re so glad to have you with us!
We’ve also decided to open the blog up to guest bloggers. Every Wednesday starting this week, we’ll be posting a guest blog from someone in Romancelandia. It may be a guest review, or a topic brought up for discussion or just anything that our guest blogger wants to immortalize here on Book Binge, for our readers to enjoy. It could be ANYTHING so, Dear Readers, prepare yourself for some great new additions to our blog. We’re so excited about these changes and we hope you guys enjoy them as well.
Chantal is our first guest blogger. She’s written up a wonderful post about the copyright laws on eBooks. Be sure to check it out on Wednesday.
Speaking of Chantal, she’s got a great interview up on her blog today with Romantic SciFi author KS Augustin. I haven’t read Ms. Augustin personally, but I’ve heard great things about her..so check it out. And besides, as Chantal just pointed out, she’s got a really cute ass. So why not visit her and see for yourself? 😛
Which brings me to the next new thing at BB. We’re going to start a Weekly Spotlight on the happenings around the Blogosphere.
We’re also kicking around the idea of starting up a message board. We think it would be a great place for all of us in Blogland to get to know each other better. We’d have more in depth discussions of our reviews and other topics we post here at BB, and I’ve found that MB’s are more conducive to chatting. But we aren’t decided on it yet.
What do you think? Do you like the idea, or are you happy with the way things are now? Any pros or cons you’d like to toss out? Don’t be shy now, tell us how you really feel. 🙂
We’re also working on a great Halloween Contest for October. So be sure to check back around the first of the month for details.
Still with me out there? I’m almost done, I swear…
It’s still in the works, but I think we’ve managed to line up some guest author days coming up. I don’t want to spill the beans yet, but I promise more info as soon as I have it.
And one last thing…we’re working on a new book challenge. Details to come, but mark your calendars for October 1st…
…and if you made it to the bottom of this post and actually read the whole thing then dude, treat yourself to a cookie because you totally deserved it!
Seriously, thanks for taking this journey with us.
Much love,
Holly, Isabel, Rowena and Casee