Tag: Casee’s Reviews

Review: Lacybourne Manor by Kristen Ashley

Review: Lacybourne Manor by Kristen Ashley

Colin Morgan considers himself a practical man; a man that values logic. Colin knows it’s not logical to think that he’s the reincarnated soul of his murdered ancestor but the resemblance between himself and Royce Morgan is uncanny. Colin has come to terms with the fact that the lore is most likely correct. That doesn’t […]

Review: Sommersgate House by Kristen Ashley

Review: Sommersgate House by Kristen Ashley

After the death of her brother and sister-in-law, Julia Fairfax is devastated. However, she doesn’t have time to grieve. She has two nieces and a nephew that she is now responsible for. While Julia wants to curl into a ball and cry her eyes out, she has to be strong for her brother’s children. When […]

Featured Review: Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews

Featured Review: Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews

Warning: This Review Contains Spoilers Aurelia Ryder is the beginning of Julie Lennart’s journey. Having Kate as a mother has taught Julie to be tough-as-nails. When an oracle has a vision of Kate, Curran, and Conlan dying, Aurelia immediately plans to change the future. With the help of her grandmother, her mother, and her grandfather, […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Some Enchanted Season by Marilyn Pappano

Throwback Thursday Review: Some Enchanted Season by Marilyn Pappano

This review was originally posted on December 14, 2007. I absolutely adore this book. I love it. After I read it, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love reunion books. I love how I can reread this every single year (at Christmas, of course) and still get as caught up in the story […]

Review: Lawless by T.M. Frazier

Review: Lawless by T.M. Frazier

Bear was first introduced in King. I wasn’t sure what my feelings were about him, but I ended up really enjoying him and Thia both. Again, there was that age difference but I’m pretty much over that. These heroines are far beyond their years in experience and it shows. One night when Thia was younger, […]