Tag: Casee Says

Please tell me it isn’t true

Posted October 15, 2007 by Casee in Discussions | Tagged: , , , , , | 22 Comments
Please tell me it isn’t true

Was anyone at either of J.R. Ward’s recent signings? The signing where she allegedly said that Blaylock is…wait for it… GAY????? Please, put me out of my misery. No, really. Can this series get any more unbelievable? Honestly, I have nothing against a m/m romance. Take Jules Cassidy from Suz Brockmann’s Troubleshooter series. He’s finally […]

Our Top Three Tearjerkers!

Our Top Three Tearjerkers!

So Labor Day weekend, while the kids were swimming and my sisters and I were unwinding from our hellish day in the sun, we got to talking about romance novels. A topic, I never shy away from. If someone is going to bring up reading and romance novels, I will talk their ears off and […]

Our Best Reads of September.

Our Best Reads of September.

The month of September brought school books, back packs and lunch boxes out of the closets and took away the reading slumps of the summer and for some of us, reading was good and for others, not so good…here at Book Binge, great books were read and some not so great books were read and […]

Review: Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward

Review: Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward

I’ve been sitting on this review for a few days. Why? Because I’m still trying to process where it all went wrong. After finishing the book, I was sitting on my couch just thinking “Whaaaaa?”. I’m sure it was quite amusing for my husband when I started muttering to myself about the book and the […]

Joint Review: A Year of You by Adra Steia

Joint Review: A Year of You by Adra Steia

Casee: After my last review of a book by this author, I was hesitant to read this book, let alone review it as my 2nd review here at Book Binge. Alas, I couldn’t help myself when the other girls asked me to give it a try. Holly: I want to start out by saying I […]