Tag: Brigit Aine

What I Read Last Week

Posted October 26, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 7 Comments

Hidee Ho! 🙂

How are you all doing? Did you have a nice weekend? I certainly hope so!

Let’s see what happened this week? Nothing much actually. I was lazy with the blog but hopefully that will change this week. I’ve got a few reviews for you.

My hubby was gone on a business trip this past weekend so it was just the me and the kids and it felt like we didn’t sit down all weekend long. We got manicures and pedicures and went to breakfast and then ran errands. We did church and then a birthday party and then went to the mall because my youngest decided that she was finally gonna get her ears pierced. Yeah, she chickened out again. Poor thing. We then walked to the corner and went to the Haunted Jailhouse that the Sheriff’s dept. does every year. My kids were terrified! I ended up carrying my youngest the whole way and my oldest was crying. My oldest is normally fearless so I’m not sure why she was shakin in her boots. It was really good though. Kudos to the dept. for doing such a great job.

I completely dig this song. I’m not a huge Colby Caillet fan but words in this song just touches the romantic in me:

So onto what I read this week (all new-to-me authors except Meredith Duran):

First up was Written on Your Skin by Meredith Duran. I really enjoyed the book. I just love her style of writing! This was Phin’s story whom we met in Bound by Your Touch. I should say Phin and Mina’s story. Phin has some issues which seemed to disappear in the middle of the book and then show up again. I was a little surprised by this omission but overall just good stuff. 4 out of 5

Next was Red’s Wolf: Torrent Talents Book 1 by Brigit Aine. My friend Jen bought me a couple of books because I’m constantly handing her paperbacks to read! lol Anyway – this is a take on the Little Red Riding Hood story and I wasn’t a huge fan, unfortunately. It was cute but incredibly short so there wasn’t a whole lot of character development, etc. Red Hood meets Ethan Wolfe and since he’s a shifter he knows that she’s his mate. He’s sold on the idea immediately but she holds back…for about a minute and a half. I would have like to have seen a few more interactions between the two before she fell. 2.5 out of 5

Next was My Lupine Lover by Stormy Glenn. This was another shifter story of mates, Vadim & Sasha, finding each other, but after the two men found each other there was some learning to be done between the two. They were given the opportunity in the story to discover who the other person was and I was so happy to see that – especially after reading the previous book. I thought Vadim was a little presumptious at first with Sasha’s life but he got better after a while and there was a ton of sex in the book (which could have been a little less), but other than that it was good. 3.5 outof 5

After that I read Almost Like Being in Love by Steve Kluger. I read about this book on Kris’s blog and it caught my attention. I’ll be posting a review this week.

My Tracy’s TBR Challenge Read for the week was The Dragon Master by Allyson James. The story about a fire dragon, Seth, who is summoned by a dragon master who was imprisoned thousands of years ago. He meets Carol who is also a dragon master but doesn’t realize it. She manages to bind him to her and together, and with friends and other dragons, they try to find a way to release the dm that summoned him. It was an interesting book in that Seth was having feelings for Carol but he wasn’t sure if they were because he actually cared for her but because he was bound to her. I liked the twist. Carol wasn’t a bad character but I didn’t get too attached to her. She was very tense- which she had reason to be at times, but still. Also she betrays Seth’s trust at one point in the book and I just couldn’t relate to her after that. I thought Seth deserved someone much better and it kind of pissed me off that they ended up together. 3 out of 5

So that was it for me. I hope you all have a great week!
Happy Reading!

Oh and I forgot – my review for The Year of Living Shamelessly by Susan Carr is up @ TBB. Man, I’m so bad at information! lol

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