Tag: book endings

Judging A Book By Its Ending

Posted January 21, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 25 Comments

I just finished a book last night that had me saying WTF? about 10 times in a row. My husband, obviously curious as to what had me so upset, turned from the computer to ask what was up. When I explained the story line and then what happened at the end of the book to him he looked at me and said, you guessed it, WTF?

So upset as I am about the end of the book I had to stop and think about how this affected my view on the book as a whole. I really liked the book but I hated the ending. How will this change, if at all, my rating of the book? Yes I felt that the end wasn’t what it should be but was it a bad book because of it? IDK. I haven’t made any type of decision yet and I’m not sure I’ll be able to right away. This is odd for me since yesterday I was just telling someone via email that I normally know the rating of a book right when I finish. But this one, not so much.

Today I started thinking (always a dangerous pastime) about how others feel and how much does the ending of a book affect your view of the whole? For me, I think that it would be judged on a case by case basis depending on the book and ending but I think I might be in the minority here.

What are your thoughts?
