Blogger Awards

Tagged: Blog Award, Blogger award
Excellence is subjective. Let’s face it. What I think is excellent may not be what the next person thinks. But that’s what makes life so interesting, true?
But I think in this case I’m going to have a whole host of agreement when I hand out the Excellent Blog Award (given to me by Renee – thank you). This is to let you know that I find all your blogs excellent in your own unique and wonderful way.
(In no particular order)
Amy from Shaymless Aymless
Ciara from Ciaralira
Kati from Katidom
Rowena, Casee and Holly from The Book Binge
Sarai at Thoughts of an aspiring writer
Bridget Locke at Good Books, Bad Books and Every Book Inbetween
Kris from The Reading Spot
Monroe from Monroe With A Twist (even though my IE never lets me comment there so I hope she sees this! lol)
Tam from Tams Reads
Lily at I Love Books
I always enjoy going to your Excellent blogs – keep up the good work!
Listen up ladies…The DIK blog is opening itself up for new members! That’s right, you too can join in the fun and frolicking that is the DIK blog. You can go here to find out what you need to do to be stranded on that island with some of the nicest ladies in bloglandia, the books, the men and the drinks. Believe me – it’s damn fun.
Also – if you’re an author who would like to join us for a 3 day stint of guest blogging please email me at redneyrae AT ca DOT rr DOT com and we can get that set up!
Yesterday I handed out a blog award that was given to me by Nath and Randi. Thank you ladies. But then later that day I discovered that Lori had given me one as well. Thank you so much Lori!
I have several awards to give out that were given to me, well, a while ago (ok, right after the earth cooled) and I have yet to pay them forward. I will work on that in the next several weeks. 🙂
Weekly Weigh In
I didn’t weigh myself last week (the 8th) as Aunt Flow was visiting and personally I think no woman should weigh herself at that time of the month. Seriously – just wrong if they do. Who needs the depression? lol
But I did weigh myself this past Monday and I went down 2 ounces! lol Hey! Every ounce counts. I kind of feel like the tortoise from the tortoise and the hare. I’ll get there eventually it will just take me a while. It probably would have been more but that pizza was calling to me on Sunday night. I know, no willpower.
My guest review for Cowboys Dream Too by Morgan Q. O’Reilly is up at The Book Binge. You can go here to read it.
Even a cowboy can dream of a Celtic goddess…But is it just a dream?
From the first time he dreamed of his perfect woman, Gray Dunbar was no longer satisfied by his pre-ordained future on the family dude ranch. She’s leading him on, away from Colorado and around the world, until he can’t stay away from home any longer.
Reed O’Brien needs a vacation. Her boss’s company is falling apart. When a proposed trip to a dude ranch retreat comes along, she jumps at the chance. A stop in Vegas gets the ball rolling — especially when she meets the one man her boss would love to put out of business.
Is this destined to be war…or love?
How lucky am I that I have a wonderful friend like Christine to give me this fabulous award? Christine in one of the first people that I met on a book forum when I first started doing “book stuff” (as my hubby calls it) on the internet. She was kind and extremely patient with me and all of my questions about abbreviations, etc. Book lovers have their own lingo you know and if you’re new you’re kind of sitting back going what the hell does that mean? Christine turned me on to the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Brook’s Guardian series (just to name a couple) which I love. We had many, many phone conversations about both series.
Anyway, Christine you are such an incredible person and I’m honored to call you my friend. Muah!
Ok – on to the award giving!
“The Let’s be Friends Awards stands for this: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers.”
So here are my choices:
Of course I will give it right back to Christine…how could I not???
Barbara at The Happily Forever After
Amy C. at Romance Book Wyrm
Anna at Anna’s Book Blog
Renee at Renee’s Book Addiction
Kris at Kris ‘n’ Good Books
Stacy at Stacy’s Place on Earth
Carolyn Jean at The Thrillionth Page
Jill at Romance Rookie
I visit all of these places when I can and I love their blogs. Of course I love all the blogs I go to or else I wouldn’t go there! lol
(So my oldest daughter was in the office when I was doing this post and she wanted to know what self-aggrandization was. I explained it to her and then she said she wanted to see what the dictionary said. So I googled the word and got this from wordreference.com: boastful, braggart, bragging, braggy, cock-a-hoop, crowing. I can honestly say that I’ve never heard of a cock-a-hoop before! Was this a word from the Beverly Hillbillies? Did I miss something in English class when they were teaching me words? Apparently not since Merriam-Webster online hasn’t heard of it? Who has heard of it? Is this another Premio Dardas thing? Someone help a girl out.)
I also noticed that I have been given a couple of awards that I have not paid forward (oops, bad Tracy!) so I will be remedying that soon!
Happy Thursday!