Tag: Black Cobra Quartet

Guest Review: The Brazen Bride by Stephanie Laurens

Posted November 10, 2010 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 3 Comments

Judith‘s review of The Brazen Bride (The Black Cobra Quartet, Book 3) by Stephanie Laurens.

Shipwrecked, wounded, he risks all to pursue his mission – only to discover a partner as daring and brazen as he.

Fiery, tempestuous, a queen in her own realm, she rescues a warrior – only to find her heart under seige.

Bound by passion, linked by need, together they must brave the enemy’s gauntlet to win all their hearts’ desire.

First off, I need to state that I am an avowed Stephanie Laurens fan! I haven’t met one of her books that I haven’t liked, and liked a lot! This book is no exception. As the third novel in The Black Cobra series, it takes its place with pride and upholds the level of excellent writing and story construction that was displayed in the first and second novels. I was proud to be given the opportunity to read and review the first two. Now it is another positive experience to be able to read and review this third novel.

Linnet Trevission was gorgeous with masses of flame-touched hair, curvy, sexy, sassy, bright and inventive, a real take-charge kind of gal that knew her strengths and used them, and knew her weaknesses and found others to help her in those instances. She is the Grande Dame of an estate on the Isle of Guernsey and she takes her responsibilities seriously. But she is also the owner of a shipping company and the captain of one of the fastest ships holding a “marque” from the English Royal Navy. The fact that she is female is now not discussed among the maritime masters–they know her skill and her dedication to the sea, and they turn a blind eye to her gender. Enter Major Logan Monteith, a wan and nearly dead man who has washed up on the shore near her estate, who even in his comatose state is clutching the section of ship which kept him afloat and his dagger in one hand. He has been gravely wounded by some Black Cobra cultists but was saved from final attack by the wreck of the ship on which he was traveling. And . . . he has lost his memory because of the head wound he sustained.

So these two main characters sit at the core of this novel surrounded by persons in Linnet’s household–the men and women who now live with her and her “wards,” the children of seamen who have perished at sea and who now have a home with her. They are also surrounded by the characters from the first two novels as well as new characters who are introduced into this tale. Logan is absorbed into Linnet’s very different kind of family, ruled without question by this woman who draws him like a moth to flame, who inspires great lust on the one hand and yet brings out all his protective instincts on the other. In spite of their affair, she never lets him get close; she knows he will regain his memory and then he will leave. Yet through an interesting and quite inventive set of circumstances–Laurens knows how to set these stories up in such a creative way–Linnet is drawn into Logan’s mission to get his copy of The Letter to the Duke of Wolverstone, the man who can bring the Black Cobra to light and to justice.

This is one of those kinds of books that just seemed to hook me from word one. First it was Logan’s dicey health situation; then it was the recovery of his memory; move on to his need to return to England safely and without interference from the cultists; bring on the action and the problems getting the letter safely to its destination; now you have a who cadre of personalities who are unusual, witty, rare for their time, and who all form this wonderful society of adventure-loving men and women and their children. Linnet has seldom experienced such an open kind of acceptance of “different” people and Logan is hungry for the kind of family togetherness this represents.

This novel has more of an edge to it than book two–the bride herself is indeed brazen, out of step with English social norms, and not about to change. Yet there does come a time when she, like all of us, must re-examine her personal needs and goals, her deep desire for love and children, her inner questioning about what she is willing to do to keep someone special in her life. It is also about a fictional assembly of characters that teaches the reader that unusual and inventive kinds of people can be together if they are openly accepted and their differences celebrated rather than oppressed. Each of these characters are socially OK for their times, but inwardly they are all “square pegs in round holes.” Yet they all make it work as couples as well as friends. It is a joy to read. I think one of the cutest issues is the wonder and downright jeolousy all the women have of Linnet’s soft leather breeches–and the awareness each husband has that his wife is one of those “brazen” types who would actually wear them. Who would have believed it in that day and time?

So get out your book buying budget sheet and try to find a bit of change to go out and get this book. It is fun, full of good loving, lots of action, and the warmth of family and authentic friendship. I don’t think you can ask for more. I can’t wait for book four, The Restless Bride.

I give this book a rare 5 out of 5.

The series:
The Untamed Bride (Black Cobra Quartet)The Elusive Bride (The Black Cobra Quartet)The Brazen Bride (The Black Cobra Quartet)The Reckless Bride (The Black Cobra Quartet)

This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

You can read more from Judith at Dr. J’s Book Place.

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Review and Giveaway: The Untamed Bride by Stephanie Laurens.

Posted October 27, 2009 by Rowena in Reviews | 44 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Rowena’s review of The Untamed Bride by Stephanie Laurens.

Hero: Derek Delborough
Heroine: Deliah (not Delilah) Duncannon
Grade: 4.5 out of 5

They’re battle-hardened, sinfully wealthy, completely unstoppable—and all male: Four officers of the Crown, fighting against a deadly foe known only as the Black Cobra.

He is a man who has faced peril without flinching, determined to fight for king and country.

She is a bold, beautiful woman with a scandalous past, destined to become an untamed bride.

Together they must vanquish the ruthless enemy, while confronting the dangers of the heart . . .


This is the first book in the Black Cobra Quartet. Stephanie Laurens got really creative when she outlined this series because I love the idea surrounding this group of books. The prologue sets up the entire series. It puts into motion what will happen in the coming books and I am much too excited about it.

You see, the book starts out with five soldiers of the crown thrown together on a mission to hunt and bring down a monster of a villain. This villain is such a huge monster that it takes creative thinking to bring him down. Lots of strategic planning went into play here and I loved that Laurens brought in other war veterans to help out with this particular mission. It was great to see characters from the other series play a role in this story without stealing Del and Deliah’s thunder. It was good to see all of the series come together to bring down the big beastly monster.

The thing that makes this series unique is that each book in this series will be taking place at the same time, fighting the same fight but in different places. You see, the story starts in India and one of the five soldiers is killed and the remaining soldiers come together to avenge his death and to fulfill their mission. The strategic planning that I mentioned a little bit ago comes into effect when they get the evidence they need to bring this monster down. With help from Dalziel, they come up with a plan to bring the evidence back safely to England and into the right hands. This mission is a whole lot more complicated than just merely protecting a document and bringing it safely home. The villain has an army to do his bidding and so four guys taking on an army just won’t work. They have to split up and they all have to take a different route home with either a copy of the evidence or the original evidence package. Nobody will know who has the original package but the person who draws it and they will all meet back home in England, hopefully in one piece to begin the second part of their plan. Bring the Black Cobra down.

This book follows Derek “Del” Delborough as he makes his way to England. Along the way, he becomes entangled with a spirited young lady who won’t stay where she’s supposed to stay and just won’t flat out listen. They encounter numerous attempts on Del’s life and they just keep right on fighting the good fight. Together. I enjoyed getting to know these two and I thought that they were well suited for each other even though Deliah got on my nerves some of the time, I didn’t hate her. Not at all. She was head strong but she wasn’t TSTL. She knew what she was capable of and she ended being a huge help to Del. She was smart and she was capable. I liked her.

Del was a solid, strong hero. One that I had no trouble following along with. He is a great leader and though I loved him, I can tell that I’m going to fall in love with one of the others just a little more. I’m mighty intrigued by Rafe, the hot headed one. Although I’m looking forward to getting to know both Gareth and Logan. I’m really excited for the rest of the series to play out and I think that Stephanie Laurens did a fantastic job with the start of this series. Del and Deliah’s story was very entertaining and with the addition of the Cynsters and the Bastion Club, I think fans of Stephanie Laurens will not be disappionted.

Giveaway: We’ve got a copy of this book to giveaway so if you want to throw your name in the hat to win this book, leave a comment letting us know what you’re most looking forward to seeing from this new series even if it’s just the Cynsters or the Bastion Club. Good luck!

Browse inside the book before you buy it by clicking here. There’s also this pretty nifty little book trailer for The Untamed Bride, check it out:


This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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