Tag: Bell Choir

What I Read Last Week

Posted October 22, 2013 by Tracy in Features | 0 Comments

Well it was a pretty normal week here. My reading didn’t really pick up but I think my life has settled down a bit and thing will get back to normal.

My oldest daughter joined the youth bell choir (there are a couple of adults in it too because there are so many bells to play) about 6 weeks ago and they’ve been practicing once a week since then. They’re actually much better than I thought they’d be and they made their first appearance this past Sunday. They played 2 short pieces and then played a much more complicated piece near the end of the service. I got it on video as you can see. Because of my location and where I was sitting you can hear the higher bells better than you can the lower bells but you can still get a good feel for the song (and yes that’s my blonde daughter right there). They missed their ending a bit but I was still very proud of them.


Anyway, on to what I read:

Targeted by Katie Reus was the story of a reunion between childhood lovers but the hero of the book supposedly died at one point. He didn’t and got a new face and a new name. Now Jack is protecting Sophie and she thinks she’s going nuts that Jack reminds her so much of Sam. You can read more about the book and my review of it here. 4 out of 5

Anything for a Dollar edited by Todd Gregory is a compilation of short stories that all have to do with men and what they will do for a dollar – with other men. Some of the stories were good, some not to my liking but overall a good read. I really read this book over a week and just picked it up and read in between novels. 3.5 out of 5

Finding It by Cora Carmack is the story of Kelsey who is in Europe on a trip after finishing college but she’s really trying to spite her father who cares nothing for her and to get away from herself. It’s not exactly working. She really wants an adventure and to forget some awful things in the past and to have a purpose in life, which she feels she doesn’t. Then along comes Jackson and he’s taking her on an adventure but he’s got a big secret and it may make their relationship impossible. I’ll post my review of this one later this week. 4 out of 5

Last for the week was The Sum of All Kisses by Julia Quinn. Sarah does NOT like Hugh Prentice. She feels he is directly responsible for her current state of “single.” She wants to be married! He gets stuck with Sarah as a companion during a wedding and while they thought they hated each other they find that they actually…don’t. This was another great story from Quinn that I really liked. I’ll post my review of it next week. 4 out of 5


My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
The Captain’s Promise by Susanne Matthews
Heart’s Truth by Tamsin Baker

Happy Reading!

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