WTF Cover Saturday (17)
Today’s cover is…interesting. I’d like to make a witty or sarcastic comment but I really think it speaks for itself.
Today’s cover is…interesting. I’d like to make a witty or sarcastic comment but I really think it speaks for itself.
Normally, we feature romance novel covers each Saturday or at the very least, adult book covers. But this week, we’re bringing you some children book titles that make you do a double take. Say what? So for your viewing pleasure…check out this week’s goodies (you’re getting two): Excuse me while I laugh my ass off. […]
I’m trying to decide if I should be offended by this cover. Are they implying something about women’s asses and erasers? Hmm? My poor eyes.
Today’s cover is…interesting. The placement of the gun is probably my favorite part of this cover, which is saying something because there’s just so much to love. Am I right?
I’m not going to lie, this cover made me laugh out loud. His enemies were trying to color him gay? By…putting him in high heels and throwing a pink(ish) blanket on him? Allllrighty then.