WTF Cover Saturday (125)

Reader Karen strikes again! 🙂 Excuse me a minute, while I sit here and laugh and laugh and laugh. WTF?
Reader Karen strikes again! 🙂 Excuse me a minute, while I sit here and laugh and laugh and laugh. WTF?
Here’s another one from our favorite bad book cover finder, Reader Sandy. I’ve got nothing…but my face looks like this:
This is another cover that Reader Sandy sent over to us. Seriously, she always finds some good ones. I can’t even deal with this one. This is a thing, guys. Gay unicorn sex. Hahahahahahaha!
Reader Sandy sent this to us and I can’t even deal with this cover. The premise. OMG. Kirk is a scientific researcher on the leading edge of cloning technology, but his team has reached a standstill. In an effort to stabilize rapid clone growth, researchers have been taking DNA from various parts of their bodies […]
Reader Glenda sent this in and I can’t stop laughing. What in the world?