WTF Cover Saturday (224)
This week’s cover comes courtesy of our friend, Sandy. It’s another whopper too. WTF??
This week’s cover comes courtesy of our friend, Sandy. It’s another whopper too. WTF??
I honestly have no words… …other than, WTF is this?
I was browsing Goodreads and came across this book cover. The whole thing just hurts my eyes. The font is hard to read, the horse looks plastic and the hero needs to button up that shirt or put a bra on, I can’t decide which. All around, just a giant WTF.
I’m sorry but that wolf does not inspire a lick of lust anywhere in me. Not even with those abs. Seriously, WTF?
This week’s cover has me scratching my head because while I like the font, I don’t like much of anything else. The bear, the helicopter, the copy and pasting, all of it doesn’t work for me. Just ugh.