WTF Cover Saturday (282)

Question…what is under their chins? Is it a hand or an armpit? And what’s with the red lips in the bottom left corner?
Question…what is under their chins? Is it a hand or an armpit? And what’s with the red lips in the bottom left corner?
It doesn’t seem to matter how long I stare at this cover, I can’t seem to grasp what is going on here. Help a girl out. Any guesses?
Today’s WTFery comes to us courtesy of reader Sandy. Sandy, we thank you for this gem of a cover. How about this sexy beast? Doesn’t he make you want to dive right into this book? I know I can’t wait to start it. You want him, you know you do.
I have no idea what is going on with this cover, but it brings on all sort of nasty thoughts. Read the excerpt here. Not that naughty afterall. I feel duped. I’m also not a fan of fruit covers. It’s just plain weird.
This week’s fantastically fugly cover comes from our reader friend bn100. Thanks for always hooking us up with these gems. Check it out: You guys, I don’t even know where to start. How about that unfortunate haircut on our angel hero there or that ugly font and font color. Gah, I just…can’t with this stuff.