WTF Cover Saturday (302)

Reader Sandy is such a gem. She always finds us the best covers. This one has me scratching my head. Are these vampires or zombies? Where are the werewolves? What’s with the polka dots? And the posing? Gross!
Reader Sandy is such a gem. She always finds us the best covers. This one has me scratching my head. Are these vampires or zombies? Where are the werewolves? What’s with the polka dots? And the posing? Gross!
Monster erotica? I must be naïve because I didn’t know that was a thing until I found this wonderful cover. So…WTAF???
Holy hell, but this cover. It comes to us courtesy of reader Sandy, who always seems to find the best covers for this feature. Thank you, Sandy! I don’t even know where to start with this one, so I’m not going to even try. How did this even get through the art department?
Erm…what can I say about this one? The cover along with the title says everything, doesn’t it? Now please excuse me while I go shower.
This villain needs to go to villain school because he’s not coming off as anything but creepy. Not villainous at all. I’m not scared, just grossed out. The clothes, the hair, the couch. ::shudder::